
Rainy F'in Saturday thread ...


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are

Zero chance of riding today, not even the roadie.
A awoke to a pot of coffee, a nice drive to pick up some new suspension parts for my car, now I'm surfing teh monkey. Heading over to the gym at 3:00 and having sushi with a cute girl tonight.

Since I probably won't start a Rainy F'in Sunday thread, I might change the oil in my TALAS fork tomorrow. I haven't serviced it yet so its well overdue.

Rainy weekend suck. If you can see the sun right now, I hope you're enjoying it!


edit: whiney b1tch threads suck less with pictures, so here is me manualing a section of trail with half of my head cut off.
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