
Ramblings and reflections of an injured trail rider


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
That familiar feeling of being dialed in the cockpit of your mt. bike. At any moment you can conjure up in your mind the feeling of having your hands grip the handlebars, envision yourself standing and hammering. One can imagine the rythym of your breath, the euphoric feeling of the approach of yet another challenge in the trail, the anticipation of the satisfaction felt by drawing nearer to a goal with every pedal crank. A goal being a jump, a climb, an attempt to once again feel the freedom enabled by spinning 26 inch wheels. All the while not dwelling on the final destination, which for many rides usually winds up being a simple circle back to our car, truck, finish line or home. Sure completing the ride or race is the goal, but we all know it's not that simple.
From my perspective mt. Biking is a spiritual experience for every one of us. Regardless of where your own beliefs lie, regardless of how or what you ride, for the ride is our temple. A pure simplistic expression and medium for searching for harmony and or reaffirming and measuring your place in this world.
So many aspects of the ride support this. The comraderie of riding with good freinds, and sharing the experience. As the wind hits your face it seems to untie the knots of the stressors of daily life and deposits them in the form of tire tracks left behind on the singletrack. Still not sold of your devotion to the cause? Look at your body then, and see the scars, and yet don't we feel a silly sick pride in them, and a lack of concern for obtaining more.
i for one am grateful for the experiences i have had, the people i have met, the beauty i have witnessed, the challenges overcome and upcoming.
So much substance to revel within "the ride". The learned appreciation of preperation, pain, and perseverance The joy of having passion for the freedom that mt. biking gives us all. Isn't life much better to not only enjoy working towards our dreams but also enjoying the journey there? Does not our sport/recreation mirror that philosophy and enable us to appreciate and realize a better life? And isn't it great that all of this really doesn't matter, for after all, we're a simple group. Give me air in my tires, some chain lube, and some good singletrack and i'm happy.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified

Nicely worded though; I onced used the same theme to help win some free stuff (I bet it was a random drawing, but still).

Get well soon, I bet your wife/girlfriend/lover/life partner is dying to get you outta the house/apartment/van down by the river asap.
We fear, young Skooks, that the log dance and susequent lack of pedaling have paddled your ate. You know the rules, this is Ryd:monkey:. Complete sentences can lead to a death sentence or worse. Correct spelling can get you corrected, or worse, r3sp3cted. Your grandma will disown you if your grammar is good.

Repent, repent before it is too late! There are many here who will guide you to and along the true path to salivation! Let go, you who played leggo with the gourds! Do not think that it is the hoarded pain killers that speak to you, it is the word of the Lard!

That said, nice essay, I have been using up your riding quota. When is it that you will be allowed to pedal again?



It's not poo
Dec 1, 2003
johnbryanpeters said:
We fear, young Skooks, that the log dance and susequent lack of pedaling have paddled your ate. You know the rules, this is Ryd:monkey:. Complete sentences can lead to a death sentence or worse. Correct spelling can get you corrected, or worse, r3sp3cted. Your grandma will disown you if your grammar is good.


in your face 5 limit

The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 5 characters.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Cool stuff. Although I am not broken, my bike is. I can't wait to get it back and start feeling again. Good stuff again.....


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
johnbryanpeters said:
That said, nice essay, I have been using up your riding quota. When is it that you will be allowed to pedal again?

nice, i've been using a trainer Happy loaned me and riding my road bike an hour a day. Once i can walk without crutches i'll start taking the bike outside. And once i can stand and hammer and take hits without pain i'll bust out the mt. bike and be back on dirt. the 23rd is my next and probably last doctor appt. i'm hoping and working toward being dialed in by then.
thanks for taking the time to read everyone, i like to get real once in a while and illuminate why i do what i do.