
Rampage 2022


Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2001
Watched the first 2 hours last night (on fast forward to skip all comments), fell asleep, woke up not even interested to know who won.

What these riders are doing on a bike is absolutely amazing, but judged competitions are really not for me and ~30 min of riding in a >4 hours program sucks. I'll stick to the best runs replay next year.


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
Stoked for Szymon. He had so many "near there" runs in his career so I'm glad he stomped this one. Especially after a few so so seasons.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2008
Stoked for Szymon. He had so many "near there" runs in his career so I'm glad he stomped this one. Especially after a few so so seasons.
He should have won. While the run was maybe not as technical as Reeders, the 360 drop to canyon gap backflip was bonkers!


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Who was the fastest?
Serious answer to a non-serious question but watch Kurt Sorge's run.

I've only ridden the old courses but it is so damn hard to keep speed in control on that stuff without getting too excited and letting things fly. He did that well by also hauling complete ass. That applies to everything there but it was obvious one of his goals was to be pinned.

Yes I said complete ass. Don't ask me, I don't know what it means either. Let the courts decide.
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Jan 11, 2009
I was also left disappointed this year. Some crazy riding but felt like something was missing from previous events. Also found myself fast forwarding to skip all the crap in between runs.


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
He should have won. While the run was maybe not as technical as Reeders, the 360 drop to canyon gap backflip was bonkers!
Tbh I don't get the ratings anymore. Speed was greatly favored so maybe but I have no clue. Having a slow technical line like Andreu was scored low so I have no clue what to think and who should be where. Just stoked it went relatively well for most people. I just hope Kyle is ok


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
Seems there is always controversy after every rampage but the general opinion of the lizard kings on the internet is that this year sucked. Was it the re-use of the site? Lack of 'interesting' lines such as Jordie or Brendan's of the past? Lack of the Zink/Straight beast lines? I really don't know, but it def was missing something. I also thought the commentating sucked this year, Cam/Eliot/Nicoli just seemed uninterested. Is virgin really the only place this event can happen? How about some other location with a different flavor?


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
Seems there is always controversy after every rampage but the general opinion of the lizard kings on the internet is that this year sucked. Was it the re-use of the site? Lack of 'interesting' lines such as Jordie or Brendan's of the past? Lack of the Zink/Straight beast lines? I really don't know, but it def was missing something. I also thought the commentating sucked this year, Cam/Eliot/Nicoli just seemed uninterested. Is virgin really the only place this event can happen? How about some other location with a different flavor?
Rampage will always have judging controversy because it's hard to decide what should score highest. Difficulty of tricks, lines or execution and speed? This year the juding seemed most slopestyle like but I agree they need new venues. I assume there are some issues with the national park so they can't pick any hill but maybe they should just move to a completely different spot?

Staying in the same spot imho seems risky. People will want to create new gnarlier lines that seemed impossible in the past and at a certain point will be impossible like Straits and Zinks line.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Seems there is always controversy after every rampage but the general opinion of the lizard kings on the internet is that this year sucked. Was it the re-use of the site? Lack of 'interesting' lines such as Jordie or Brendan's of the past? Lack of the Zink/Straight beast lines? I really don't know, but it def was missing something. I also thought the commentating sucked this year, Cam/Eliot/Nicoli just seemed uninterested. Is virgin really the only place this event can happen? How about some other location with a different flavor?
part of it for me this year had nothing to do with the riding, i'm just tired of hearing about media rights and growing the sport. after all the bullshit with the UCI and discovery (which is still a clusterfuck without any indication of a clear direction of what race coverage will look like in '23 and beyond, which was supposed to be announced by end of summer, and here it is end of october without a single update), RB giving the livestream rights to ESPN in the US just killed it for me.


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
part of it for me this year had nothing to do with the riding, i'm just tired of hearing about media rights and growing the sport. after all the bullshit with the UCI and discovery (which is still a clusterfuck without any indication of a clear direction of what race coverage will look like in '23 and beyond, which was supposed to be announced by end of summer, and here it is end of october without a single update), RB giving the livestream rights to ESPN in the US just killed it for me.
Just use the VPN and stop caring about the BS. I only follow the Disco thing because it's work but no reason why you should. We have to wait and see. Unless you monkeys manage to find a way for me to become head of Eurosport I doubt bitching on the forums will change much


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
this is the beginning of the end of free livestream for mtb events. you of all people should recognize that.
I do but I don't care. This was inevitable. I never had the issues with it. I can pay for content. I care more about quality than everything being free. The "everything needs to be free on the internet" was a bad idea. It ruined journalism. I am glad it's ending. Though we will probably be overpaying for a few years since the pricing will need to stabilize.

Doesn't change the fact I'd be more mad about the feeds influencing the sport itself or the feeds being bad than that it's not free. If we can afford the absurd prices bikes now cost we defo can afford 15-30$ ppv.

Also have in mind it may not be moving to paid. Most big companies are pushing AVOD and FAST HAAAAAAAARD. You might just get ads.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I do but I don't care. This was inevitable. I never had the issues with it. I can pay for content. I care more about quality than everything being free. The "everything needs to be free on the internet" was a bad idea. It ruined journalism. I am glad it's ending. Though we will probably be overpaying for a few years since the pricing will need to stabilize.

Doesn't change the fact I'd be more mad about the feeds influencing the sport itself or the feeds being bad than that it's not free. If we can afford the absurd prices bikes now cost we defo can afford 15-30$ ppv.

Also have in mind it may not be moving to paid. Most big companies are pushing AVOD and FAST HAAAAAAAARD. You might just get ads.
could i pay for coverage? sure. do i want to? as of right now, not a chance. i like watching rampage, but IMO the coverage - and esp the commentating - doesn't warrant it. for WC races in '23, i have yet to see/hear a single indication that discovery's coverage won't be a shit show. their silence on it at this time is very telling.

my biggest issue with paywalling race/event coverage is that we all know none of that money is going to make its way to the riders. so we have kyle strait sitting in a hospital with 3 fractured vertebrae for what, exposure?

The "everything needs to be free on the internet" was a bad idea.
counterpoint: not everything needs to be profitable and have shareholders.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2004
Yeah, this year seemed to be a bit more commercial. Which to me, takes a bit off the excitement, the edge-ness?. I didn't realize it was actually live until I read the comment by Tmac over on Vital. I just assumed it was slightly recorded (like DH racing) to have the riders go ASAP, and inserted the filler content to make it more commercial. Guess not. I'd be pissed off too if I really wanted another run, but there was a "TV Break" and all the while, just seeing the wind coming up. Sorry Tmac.

As for broadcasting....I guess I'd pay if I knew riders would get paid something from that revenue. Redbull doesn't really "need" more money, but I thank them for their broadcasting and actually buy their product when I feel the need for wings :)

I used VPN and was happy. Good pixel quality. Would not have watched if I had quality issues.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Staying in the same spot imho seems risky. People will want to create new gnarlier lines that seemed impossible in the past and at a certain point will be impossible like Straits and Zinks line.
to me, THAT is what this event is supposed to be. there are plenty of slope events on the calendar, this was supposed to be and remain the gnarliest of the gnar, fall line, balls out comp.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2005
Spreckels, CA
So I probably root for Tmac more than anyone else at rampage, but it seems like every year he's surprised he's not going to get a second run due to wind. All these guys gotta know by now that it's really a 1 run format unless they stretch the event out to two days.


Customer Title
Mar 3, 2020
to me, THAT is what this event is supposed to be. there are plenty of slope events on the calendar, this was supposed to be and remain the gnarliest of the gnar, fall line, balls out comp.
I didn't watch the event live. Watched the top 3 replays. The event now is not that interesting to me with the focus being on slopestyle moves done off super groomed lips on a gnarly looking backdrop. There's plenty of other slopestyle events - Rampage should be about riding gnarly fucking lines and canyon gaps, not who can do the most bar spins or the smoothest rail grind. There's more interesting freeride content to be found on YouTube for free, so why pay to access this?


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
to me, THAT is what this event is supposed to be. there are plenty of slope events on the calendar, this was supposed to be and remain the gnarliest of the gnar, fall line, balls out comp.
You miss my point. I didn't say "make it crankworks". I said change locations so people won't have to constantly one up each other in one location since at a certain point you risk impossible features and lines. If what the commendatotors said was True Kyle's and Cam's line was unrideable. Impossible to land. Do you really want the guys to land in the hospital?

Also would the event be more interesting if it was in a new hill every year? All the "omg wtf bbq gnar" kept


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
could i pay for coverage? sure. do i want to? as of right now, not a chance. i like watching rampage, but IMO the coverage - and esp the commentating - doesn't warrant it. for WC races in '23, i have yet to see/hear a single indication that discovery's coverage won't be a shit show. their silence on it at this time is very telling.

my biggest issue with paywalling race/event coverage is that we all know none of that money is going to make its way to the riders. so we have kyle strait sitting in a hospital with 3 fractured vertebrae for what, exposure?

counterpoint: not everything needs to be profitable and have shareholders.
Yeah but "I want quality if I'm going to pay" is a completely different argument.

Also again I'm all for rider participation. Maybe the prizes will get bigger?

I'm also way more sceptical of DH than Rampage since in DH in the past UCI limited ways riders could get exposure and therefore sponsor money. So you being worried for DH makes a bit more sense given it's run by a shit show organization.

Though in both cases the problem isn't paywalling. It's how that paywalled coverage is organized. I'd criticize that not "uuugh paywall".


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
You miss my point. I didn't say "make it crankworks". I said change locations so people won't have to constantly one up each other in one location since at a certain point you risk impossible features and lines. If what the commendatotors said was True Kyle's and Cam's line was unrideable. Impossible to land. Do you really want the guys to land in the hospital?

Also would the event be more interesting if it was in a new hill every year? All the "omg wtf bbq gnar" kept
you're right, I did miss your point.

I don't want to see any riders seriously injured.
I don't know how many potential venues there are, which could be opened up to such a event from an access and environmental aspect.


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
you're right, I did miss your point.

I don't want to see any riders seriously injured.
I don't know how many potential venues there are, which could be opened up to such a event from an access and environmental aspect.
I guess the environmental access is the issue but I wonder how firm they are on "must be zion utah".


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
It's always amazing to see what the riders can do but it really was kind of a gong show this year. So much effort and hype to get clipped short by the wind again? Really? You'd think they would have learned by now but apparently not. I went for a ride and didn't even try to watch it live. The replay was painful enough.

As I'm sure has been suggested in the past, I'm starting to think it would be better in a jam format over multiple days, with awards for best trick, best line, and an overall (if really needed), and with the participating riders having some say in the judging. (I.e., judging after all runs are complete and the riders getting some say.) Then edit the footage into something more watchable. Sure there's some drama with running it live but it seems to cost more than it's worth.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
honestly I found the women's Foundations (?) thing more interesting, if only because it was riders REALLY getting outside of their comfort zones and riding gnarly shit, not figuring out how to barspin or backflip shit. I can relate to trying to get down something without dying, I'll never be backflipping off cliffs.