
ran into something odd yesterday on the road ride...


Aug 14, 2002
....a swarm of bees! here's the best part: not stung once. sorta freaky having a bunch of bees hit you at about 30 mph. kinda sounded like frozen peas hitting the floor.

any other odd occurrences like this?


No but Cletus ran into an owl on the road once and it clamped down on his bars. Funny ass story.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
That's cool that you didn't get stung! Man that would have sucked! Other than occasionally getting run off the road, nothing particularly exciting has happened to me on road rides.


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
I have had bees suck in my helmet before while riding my motorcycle. Riding along and ziiiiiiiiiiip buzz-buzz-buzzin the ear channel

*Rhino freaking out trying to stop frantically while unstrapping helmet and srying a little bit* :D

I must have this phobia of getting stung in the ear *shiver*


Aug 14, 2002
LordOpie said:
I'm going home to drop frozen peas on the floor.

PS: wtf are you riding pavement for?
because im a gear nerd- just got a giro atmos in postal colors. and the lightspeed looked lonely.

oh- ive also almost ran into a porcupine in colorado. that would have sucked.

anyone ever had to bunny hop a rattle snake on the roadie at a good clip?


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
my friend found some porn vids on the side of the road during a ride. she grabbed them and tucked them into her jersey pockets took them home and watched them.


Oct 17, 2002
SkaredShtles said:
I hate you :D

slowSSer said:
because im a gear nerd- just got a giro atmos in postal colors. and the lightspeed looked lonely.

oh- ive also almost ran into a porcupine in colorado. that would have sucked.

anyone ever had to bunny hop a rattle snake on the roadie at a good clip?
I've never come close to anything interesting on my roadie, but on mtb... I've nearly been bitten, hit and/or run into by a rattler, 4' tall black bear, elk, and big horn sheep. I love living here :D

porcupine flats... that'd be a cool story.


Aug 14, 2002
dh girlie said:
I just let him pass...I had just rounded a switchback and the big bastard was laying across the trail...ewwww
well, big rattlesnakes usually means a lower rodent population, so, big snakes are good!

i think they're neat to look at, but getting struck at by them sucks. its happened to me a few times. yikes! that'll make you spin faster!


Aug 14, 2002
LordOpie said:
I hate you :D

I've never come close to anything interesting on my roadie, but on mtb... I've nearly been bitten, hit and/or run into by a rattler, 4' tall black bear, elk, and big horn sheep. I love living here :D

porcupine flats... that'd be a cool story.
yes, it would be cool to get flats from porcupine quills.

btw- what's with the roadie hate?


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
I had a bat once fly into the hood of the hoodie I was wearing. I was dancing around like St. Vitus clawing at my back trying to get it out, but that only succeeded in making it flap its wings more vigorously. I had to finally just pull the damn thing over my head with the bat still flapping around in order to dislodge it.


dh girlie said:
Cletus??? CLETUS? You actually know someone named Cletus? Hick...
Clay is his name. Kind of like you are Lisa. Welcome to the pretend world of the Internet.


dh girlie said:
I just let him pass...I had just rounded a switchback and the big bastard was laying across the trail...ewwww
LordOpie said:
ran into something odd yesterday on the road ride...
Please pay attention to thread titles.


Oct 17, 2002
slowSSer said:
btw- what's with the roadie hate?
I ride road a lot more than dirt, so people tease me... just being pro-active :D

SkaredShtles said:
Wanna ride Indian Creek this w/e?

Really? The cool kids want the fat slow one to hang with 'em?

Maybe, thanks! When ya doing it?

I've got two road rides this weekend planned. One is from I.S. up Loveland Pass. My buddy's like, "nah, the traffic's not that bad", but if I don't post next week, it's cuz someone drove me off the friggin' mountain.

Plus, SNIAGRAB starts this weekend and we're going to check out the bargains. Might grab me some K2 Axis :D


Want fries with that?
Jan 4, 2002
biggins said:
my friend found some porn vids on the side of the road during a ride. she grabbed them and tucked them into her jersey pockets took them home and watched them.

i tend to find a lot of porn on the side of the road. it's very very odd


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Driving from Crater Lake to Bend OR....

I was trying to keep up with traffic (you Oregonians drive FAST :) ) doing about 85-90mph and had the windows down on my truck. A bee came in the window and hit me almost square in the forehead. My head actually bounced off the head rest and I felt kind of dizzy....dazed and confused.

My fiance was in the passenger seat, looking at me in confussion because she wasn't sure what had happened. She heard it something, but did not see it.

I told her something had hit me, but I didn't know what it was. I pulled over to find a freshly dead bee on my trucks floor and a bee shaped welt forming on my forehead. It was kind of funny. :) Stung like hell....but we laughed so much I could drive for a good 15 minutes. I still had the welt while we ate at some restaraunt in Bend OR....some 2 hours later. Waitress kinda looked at me funny. ;) Though the welt was no longer shaped like the bee it was kinda hard to miss.

I hate bees....:angry: but I like honey so what is a brotha to do? :D

Lexx D

Dirty Dozen
Mar 8, 2004
When i was a kid my friends and I were riding and I opened my mouth to say something and bam! A bee stung me on the toungue. Shyt swelled up so bad it barely fit in my mouth. I had to go to the hospital and get a shot. Shyt was bada$$.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
indieboy said:
i tend to find a lot of porn on the side of the road. it's very very odd
It must be a Georgia thing.

Buddy of mine found some polaroids on the side of a dirt road down in Ga. The pictures were of this chick completely nekkid posing with shotguns and large revolvers. We call her the Georgia mountain girl. I scanned/printed the best photo and she now resides as pin up art on the top tubes of several bikes. I must post photos someday.

I personally have found a few bags of weed along with other parafanalia including a 3' red plastic bong on the side of the road. Worse thing I saw though was what was obviously the site of what had been an accident the night before, broken glass, burnt up flares and what seemed to be a large blood stain.


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
llkoolkeg said:
I had a bat once fly into the hood of the hoodie I was wearing. I was dancing around like St. Vitus clawing at my back trying to get it out, but that only succeeded in making it flap its wings more vigorously. I had to finally just pull the damn thing over my head with the bat still flapping around in order to dislodge it.
Friggen awesome, I thought I was the only one attacked by bats mid-ride. I had one plow into my helmet mid-corner while I was going 20+

It was at night and I didn't know what it was, I just heard a smack and then flapping :p I rode with that bat knocked out and clinging to the vents for another mile! :p


dh girlie said:
ok well...you did say cletus and you ARE a hick and you DO live in a hick place...*shrug*

I know a guy who knows a guy who can send a guy to see you lady. :eviltongu


dh girlie said:
just make sure he's hot...I deal with enough tools all day long...

I think if you re-read this a few times you'll realize it makes little to no sense.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
There's a trail in Okinawa called "spider loop.' Of course, you'll ask why...

See, bannana spiders can get to 6-8" long in the body and as big around as Michael Moore's thumb, and the legspan is maybe a foot and a half on a big one, and they like to build webs across this trail. So, on your first ride, you're wondering why it's called Spider Loop, when you see a leaf or something suspended in air, like a wierd smudge on your vision...as you get close, and realize it's just a huge friggin' spider on a huge friggin' web, you think many obscenities and invariably duck face-down as you plow into it. At this point, the justifiably upset spider will try to skitter down the back of your shirt, as it's the only cave-like retreat it can see...so you crash with both hands behind your back trying to pull it off you. Happens every time.

And I took my g/f on her first mtb ride and we found 2 porn vids in the sand on a dirt road.

dh girlie

MikeD said:
There's a trail in Okinawa called "spider loop.' Of course, you'll ask why...

See, bannana spiders can get to 6-8" long in the body and as big around as Michael Moore's thumb, and the legspan is maybe a foot and a half on a big one, and they like to build webs across this trail. So, on your first ride, you're wondering why it's called Spider Loop, when you see a leaf or something suspended in air, like a wierd smudge on your vision...as you get close, and realize it's just a huge friggin' spider on a huge friggin' web, you think many obscenities and invariably duck face-down as you plow into it. At this point, the justifiably upset spider will try to skitter down the back of your shirt, as it's the only cave-like retreat it can see...so you crash with both hands behind your back trying to pull it off you. Happens every time.

And I took my g/f on her first mtb ride and we found 2 porn vids in the sand on a dirt road.

Jebus! I would NEVER EVER ride there...that is just sick...big spiders not the porn


dh girlie said:
You're right...I still have another thread on my mind in reference to a coworker and the reaction the fellas here at work had to her top today...I retract my statement Mr. Perfect.

But I really do know a guy that knows a guy.


dh girlie said:
yeah? well I'm eating some grapes I picked off the vine in my yard just this morning!

So - I had poison ivy I got off the vine.