
ran into something odd yesterday on the road ride...



dh girlie said:
never had it...but these grapes are delicious...red seedless...only had the plants 3 years now and they are producing pounds of sweet, succulent grapes...
Fine I'll say it. We are jealous that you have grape vines and we do not. I've been holding out with the cat pictures to really show you up, but I feel like I may have to get the camera out. They're coming soon. I hope you don't take Zakk to the pound after you see them.


Want fries with that?
Jan 4, 2002
Westy said:
It must be a Georgia thing.

Buddy of mine found some polaroids on the side of a dirt road down in Ga. The pictures were of this chick completely nekkid posing with shotguns and large revolvers. We call her the Georgia mountain girl. I scanned/printed the best photo and she now resides as pin up art on the top tubes of several bikes. I must post photos someday.

I personally have found a few bags of weed along with other parafanalia including a 3' red plastic bong on the side of the road. Worse thing I saw though was what was obviously the site of what had been an accident the night before, broken glass, burnt up flares and what seemed to be a large blood stain.

dude i've gotta have those pictures!! that is TO FUNNY!!!

dh girlie

loco-gringo said:
Fine I'll say it. We are jealous that you have grape vines and we do not. I've been holding out with the cat pictures to really show you up, but I feel like I may have to get the camera out. They're coming soon. I hope you don't take Zakk to the pound after you see them.
I don't recall ever mentioning my grape vines and I don't care to see that mangy mogrel hick cat of yours...if it was a decent looking animal you would already have pictures and posted them...


Pretty Boy....That's right, BOY!
Oct 7, 2002
i watched a dude broadside a bear up at whistler...funny as hell. they both got up and ran in different dirrections like a cartoon.

I have run over a frog, another rider, a squirl, a snake, a crap load of snales all at once and hit a bird. Sh!t needs to get out of my freakin way! :angry:


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dh girlie said:
I don't recall ever mentioning my grape vines and I don't care to see that mangy mogrel hick cat of yours...if it was a decent looking animal you would already have pictures and posted them...
Just be glad you don't have any of these in those vines:

On second thought, you probably *do* have those in your vines. :evil:

llkoolkeg said:
I had a bat once fly into the hood of the hoodie I was wearing. I was dancing around like St. Vitus clawing at my back trying to get it out, but that only succeeded in making it flap its wings more vigorously. I had to finally just pull the damn thing over my head with the bat still flapping around in order to dislodge it.
If you had just left it alone, it would have found its own way out. Not like it's going to bite you.



May 6, 2003
loco-gringo said:
Fine I'll say it. We are jealous that you have grape vines and we do not.
Loco I'm pretty sure you can grow grapes where you are. There are some damn good wines coming out of the hill country and some areas north of you as well (not the kinda stuff that gets re-labeled and dumped on the market for $2/liter if you now what I mean).

Totally different climate, but there is a winery (w/some vineyards) just about 15 minutes south of us. Shoot, it's only about 10 minutes from my favorite trail.

And I do know a dude named Cletus. But he likes to be called "Clete." He's a big ol' boy, so we don't make fun of his name ;)


May 6, 2003
loco-gringo said:
No - it's Lisa. All of the redneck girls are named Lisa here.
I don't know any Brandines. Knew a Glendine.

We just call her "Clete's wife" - does she need a name of her own? ;)

But yah, the rest of 'em are named Lisa, pronounced "Laysuh."

What did Pauly Shore say?