
Random Acts of Riders


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2004
True story, just this weekend. Maybe you guys have similar stories. Might be fun to share them.

In the middle of no where. Walden, Colorado. Wife and kid needs to use the pee machine. I'm topping off the gas and I see a pretty sweet road bike with paniers and whatnot and tan walled tires. So I'm like, Imma gonna talk to this guy. It's not the first time I've seen dudes riding thru Colorado. It's a thing. It's not MY thing. but yeah.

I believe he said it is the "Transamerica"? This was his 5th time doing it. I've never heard of it. He was from Washington state and heading to Virgina. On his bike. That's pretty freaking far. Almost like it was transamerica :)

I asked him if he needed anything. As I'm coming off vacation and have plenty of left over food/beverages still in the cooler. He said no. Fair play.

I gave him a can of my favorite IPA from my town (Odells IPA, Fort Collins) which is arguably the best in all the land. He had a big grin, laughed and thanked.

And off we went.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 30, 2006
Corn Fields of Indiana
True story, just this weekend. Maybe you guys have similar stories. Might be fun to share them.

In the middle of no where. Walden, Colorado. Wife and kid needs to use the pee machine. I'm topping off the gas and I see a pretty sweet road bike with paniers and whatnot and tan walled tires. So I'm like, Imma gonna talk to this guy. It's not the first time I've seen dudes riding thru Colorado. It's a thing. It's not MY thing. but yeah.

I believe he said it is the "Transamerica"? This was his 5th time doing it. I've never heard of it. He was from Washington state and heading to Virgina. On his bike. That's pretty freaking far. Almost like it was transamerica :)

I asked him if he needed anything. As I'm coming off vacation and have plenty of left over food/beverages still in the cooler. He said no. Fair play.

I gave him a can of my favorite IPA from my town (Odells IPA, Fort Collins) which is arguably the best in all the land. He had a big grin, laughed and thanked.

And off we went.
Dunno man, 90 Shilling might just be the nectar of the gods.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
We were doing DH runs at Ski Bowl and my buddy was on a rental Iron Horse 7point or something and kept pinch flating the front wheel. Used both tubes I had and on the last run,same drop, POW! He plows into me, I slam hard and bike goes over the side about 30 feet down. Laughing at the situation, total hottie decked out in full Deity gear pulls up and gave us one of hers. Total trail angel, turns out she was an employee or something.

That's all I got.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Pretty cool, man.

We get Tour Divide and Colorado Trail thru-riders coming through town all the time, being that we’re right on each of those routes. In fact, there are Tour Divide racers probably in town right now, the grand depart was less than two weeks ago. I’ve been thinking I should go out and cheer for a few of them as they roll by, but that wouldn’t be very random now would it?

If you don’t know: http://tourdivide.org/

It’s also really freaking far.


You might feel a little prick.
Sep 1, 2015
San Diego
Me and my buddy were going to Europe and being cheap skates we had a stop over in Iceland. For 26 hours. So we rented a car and checked out the capitol and then made our way to the blue lagoon, it was raining so I had a nap before we went in. Raining isn’t the right word though, pounding rain and howling wind is. But it stopped and we swam. Then we had nowhere to go so we went over to the coast and got a pizza and decided we would make for the volcano that erupted in 2009 or 10. It was right after that. There was a road kinda going there. It was a gravel road, we were on it for like 8 hrs. There was nothing out there except an old shack with some old graves and an outhouse I used. But out there in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the night, in the rain was a guy on a bike. Full travel gear and yellow rain slickers, face obscured. He just went by at an intersection on the gravel road. Then like 6 hrs later we see him again. We were more baffled than anything. Well long story even longer, we pushed that little ford fiesta as far up a muddy hill and across a creek as it would go but that volcano is way out there and 4x4 was needed. Made our flight to Amsterdam didn’t sleep until our hostel. My buddy didn’t nap and later fell asleep in his plate of Chinese food and didn’t remember it.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Does this count? Its a missed opportunity and example of idiocy, on our behalf. :D

In 2016, a friend and I were riding in NC. We might have dipped into some beers the night before, so had a late start that day. We made a poor decision and took a trail that involved, no joke, some 20+ river crossings; the trail just zig zagged across the water, repeatedly. It added hours to our planned ride.

Anyways, we got out of that hell hole, then climbed up Bradley Creek trail and then up Laurel Mountain. We got to the top of pilot rock and had a much-deserved beer and sandwich. It was wonderful. At some point we realized that the sun is setting, so we made our way down Pilot Rock in that orange glow of the setting sun.

I snapped this picture part way down.

ANYWAYS, we get down to the bottom, ride past some bush party and start climbing the forest road out to the highway. At this point the sun had pretty much set and we had no real plan, except to get to the road.

The kicker is, while on the forest road, this random guy in a pickup truck drove up behind us and while slowly passing us asked if everything is OK and if we needed a lift or anything. What a generous offer and nice fellow. But like the two totally tired IDIOTS we were, we politely said thank you but we're good.


If only we had taken that gentleman up on his offer, we wouldn't have had to ride down the mountain road in the dark, basically finding where the edge of the road is by hitting the rumble strips. We eventually got pulled over at the ranger station by one of the sheriffs deputies, who essentially told us we're dumb and good luck. :rofl:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2004
Pretty cool, man.

We get Tour Divide and Colorado Trail thru-riders coming through town all the time, being that we’re right on each of those routes. In fact, there are Tour Divide racers probably in town right now, the grand depart was less than two weeks ago. I’ve been thinking I should go out and cheer for a few of them as they roll by, but that wouldn’t be very random now would it?

If you don’t know: http://tourdivide.org/

It’s also really freaking far.
I think there was a "movie" back in the day following some of those Divide riders. I think they started in Canada and ended in Mexico? Is that the same thing?

I don't know, but seeing the struggle was real. From over blown legs to vegans not finding vegan food on the route was real.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2004
Does this count? Its a missed opportunity and example of idiocy, on our behalf. :D

In 2016, a friend and I were riding in NC. We might have dipped into some beers the night before, so had a late start that day. We made a poor decision and took a trail that involved, no joke, some 20+ river crossings; the trail just zig zagged across the water, repeatedly. It added hours to our planned ride.

Anyways, we got out of that hell hole, then climbed up Bradley Creek trail and then up Laurel Mountain. We got to the top of pilot rock and had a much-deserved beer and sandwich. It was wonderful. At some point we realized that the sun is setting, so we made our way down Pilot Rock in that orange glow of the setting sun.

I snapped this picture part way down.

ANYWAYS, we get down to the bottom, ride past some bush party and start climbing the forest road out to the highway. At this point the sun had pretty much set and we had no real plan, except to get to the road.

The kicker is, while on the forest road, this random guy in a pickup truck drove up behind us and while slowly passing us asked if everything is OK and if we needed a lift or anything. What a generous offer and nice fellow. But like the two totally tired IDIOTS we were, we politely said thank you but we're good.


If only we had taken that gentleman up on his offer, we wouldn't have had to ride down the mountain road in the dark, basically finding where the edge of the road is by hitting the rumble strips. We eventually got pulled over at the ranger station by one of the sheriffs deputies, who essentially told us we're dumb and good luck. :rofl:
Yeah, I can relate. In my case the locals were like "you should shuttle that". But we didn't have that ability. So we did it anyways. Rode up. for hours. Took us hours to actually find the trail. Similarly, it was basically night time by the time we were done. Good times!


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
it seems every vacation i buy a sleeping bag i never use or use once or twice that i give to the first homeless person i see the day before i leave...


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
I remember on top of Burro Pass once a rider was really bumming out, somehow he had lost a cleat on the way up. He was definitely afeared of riding the whole thing not clipped in. I said “Well, this is your lucky day”, and pulled out a spare cleat, bolts, and washer thingie.
He was beyond, beyond stoked.
Made my day.

I had another good one a few years later at the same spot. A euro type on an XC bike was at the saddle, and I heard a short HISSS come from where he was. He wanted to let ‘just a little’ air out of his fork for the descent. Whoops.
Luckily I had a shock pump.


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
Probably two years ago I got chatting to a young Chinese lad that had stopped on the local bike path.
He had just bought a pretty shit used bike and I think he said that the plan was to ride from Sydney to Queensland, he did say that his ass was sore as he wasn't really a bike rider.
I wished him luck, he seemed like a really nice guy, hope he did the whole trip and uploaded some of it as he had a GoPro going.

A buddy of mine rode across a good chunk of China, he loved it.

Colonel Angus

Feb 15, 2005
land of the green chiles
I remember on top of Burro Pass once a rider was really bumming out, somehow he had lost a cleat on the way up. He was definitely afeared of riding the whole thing not clipped in. I said “Well, this is your lucky day”, and pulled out a spare cleat, bolts, and washer thingie.
He was beyond, beyond stoked.
Made my day.

I had another good one a few years later at the same spot. A euro type on an XC bike was at the saddle, and I heard a short HISSS come from where he was. He wanted to let ‘just a little’ air out of his fork for the descent. Whoops.
Luckily I had a shock pump.
I was riding Gooseberry Mesa decades ago and a branch shoved my rear derailleur into the spokes and it self- destructed. A guy rolled up not 30 seconds later and pulled a spare derailleur out of his Camelback and handed it to me. I was rolling again in less than 5 minutes.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
We were doing DH runs at Ski Bowl and my buddy was on a rental Iron Horse 7point or something and kept pinch flating the front wheel. Used both tubes I had and on the last run,same drop, POW! He plows into me, I slam hard and bike goes over the side about 30 feet down. Laughing at the situation, total hottie decked out in full Deity gear pulls up and gave us one of hers. Total trail angel, turns out she was an employee or something.

That's all I got.
I was riding solo at Bromont about 12 years ago. I decided to do the WC DH course. Not sure if any remember it, but between the steep rock slab section and the road gap there was a 180° switchback berm with a 2' drop into it. they eventually cemented the rocks in the berm, but the run-in to the drop was janky AF. I went OTB and rung bell pretty good. As I was lying off to the side trying to gather my wits, the most beautiful angel in a full face helmet, clear goggles, and the bluest husky eyes I've ever seen leaned over me to ask if I was ok. Honestly, it was like a vision from the heavens! We sat there for a bit chatting, she made sure I was coherent, then rode off into the sunset... forever touching my dreams...


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
I was riding solo at Bromont about 12 years ago. I decided to do the WC DH course. Not sure if any remember it, but between the steep rock slab section and the road gap there was a 180° switchback berm with a 2' drop into it. they eventually cemented the rocks in the berm, but the run-in to the drop was janky AF. I went OTB and rung bell pretty good. As I was lying off to the side trying to gather my wits, the most beautiful angel in a full face helmet, clear goggles, and the bluest husky eyes I've ever seen leaned over me to ask if I was ok. Honestly, it was like a vision from the heavens! We sat there for a bit chatting, she made sure I was coherent, then rode off into the sunset... forever touching my dreams...
That whole section before that rock berm was wild. From that steep staircase part, the turn and then that sketch offcamber steep rockface with the wooden catch deck. And then you're spit out into that chunky rock and turn.

Its too bad they have left it to rot away over the years.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
… and the bluest husky eyes I've ever seen leaned over me to ask if I was ok. Honestly, it was like a vision from the heavens! We sat there for a bit chatting, she made sure I was coherent, then rode off into the sunset... forever touching my dreams...

Ça va?


Joe Dalton
Apr 18, 2002
That whole section before that rock berm was wild. From that steep staircase part, the turn and then that sketch offcamber steep rockface with the wooden catch deck. And then you're spit out into that chunky rock and turn.

Its too bad they have left it to rot away over the years.
It was an awesome trail.