
random crappy scanned pics...


Jan 8, 2003
Alpharetta, Ga
we had well over 50 man hours into that trail and numerous bridges, it was going quite well showing great potential until one day we came out and found EVERYTHING torn down, even the trees the bridges were suspended to cut down...along with city no trespassing signs....:(


Jun 15, 2002
just south of everywhere
that sux, it looked like an awesome place to ride. the green doublewides on the fly are awesome. I've been looking for anyone selling those but everyone is holding onto them I guess.


Jan 8, 2003
Alpharetta, Ga
Originally posted by Broken_Spoke
thoese green rims are so awesome what are they i want to buy a set of them

im all bendered out, they are green sun doublewides.

im probably the poorest foes rider foes has ever had, i have 0 money to upgrade because of that yellow car.


Jan 8, 2003
Alpharetta, Ga
we also had about a 40 foot bridge, it split into a y.

one way curved to the right into a 6 foot to flat drop, which we later added a smaller bridge to land on, pretty bad.

the other way was a beautiful dip and curve to the left(where you gained all your momentum). the dip and curve were alone badass because it was banked at the same time so you could really pump it. after the dip it slanted upward at about a 15 degree angle in which you launched over the trail about 7-10 gap and i would say 6-7 foot drop to a an awesome tranny(2nd pic). this part of the bridge was probably another 30 feet, and defined the word flow since everything was so smooth and fluid....:mad:

the big one is actually around 10 feet give or take a few depending on speed. if you look at the pic where my friend and i are doing a train, there is a stump at the bottom of the pic were we usually land. he bumped his brakes because he was loosing his balance on the bridge, which it made things very interesting for me since i was so close to his tail.:eek:

i have a few more that i will try and post