
Random drug testing in school approved


Jun 8, 2002
Asheville, North Carolina
Originally posted by BurlySurly
Im sorry.......did you actually say that?

I think anything that slows my decision making process is a bit dangerous, not to mention the longterm effects. Driving while high (regardless of any stupid example about being aware you may try to give) is dangerous.

No, driving high is proven to be safer.


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
Originally posted by Sideways
No, driving high is proven to be safer.
I don't know what weed they were smoking, but if you come to the Northwest to smoke, you aren't going to be doing much of anything.

When you smoke the local pot, you are incapacitated.

(It has been many years since I have done so...)


Dec 11, 2001
uk, scarborough
wot happens on these tests if u have drugs in your system from second hand smoke? can they tell the differance?and why isn't there drug tests for alcohol being in students systems?



Mar 5, 2002
Originally posted by Sideways
I think you are a little confused about the effects of marijuana.
Folks are a lot less likely to engage in risky behavior when high.
Smoking pot is not dangerous.

You may argue that smoking pot in and of itself is not dangerous. I can't totally argue that. I'm not a biochemist. But consider this: most people who die in house fires die of inhaling smoke. So it can't be too good for you.

No, the real danger of any drug is when it is combined with an activity. Any activity. I personally have witnessed people (while high):

walk into walls
walk through a plate glass door
almost drown in a pool (jumped in, realized he couldn't really swim)
set fire to parts of their body or home

And I don't hang out with too many kids who do drugs. As for driving, the little link you provided says, among other things:

"This suggests that they were unable to control their steering as well when under the influence of the high cannabis dose. This again confirms previous observations that cannabis adversely affects drivers' tracking ability."


Originally posted by BurlySurly

Now...go ahead and say it...."Well its not as bad a cigarettes and yada yada yad"
No, smoking pot is not as bad as smoking cigs.... it's a LOT worse! What do you think killed Bob Marley? He died of lung cancer because of the amount of ghanja he smoked. Weed is far more damaging to the lungs than cigs are.


Want fries with that?
Jan 4, 2002
Originally posted by zibbler
No, smoking pot is not as bad as smoking cigs.... it's a LOT worse! What do you think killed Bob Marley? He died of lung cancer because of the amount of ghanja he smoked. Weed is far more damaging to the lungs than cigs are.
it's not the pot itself that is damaging it's the chemicals that are in the weed......same w/ cig's. all the chemicals in them are what are the real problem. i'm not saying that the smoke won't harm you but the chemicals sure do play a HUGE factor in there too.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Originally posted by Will_Jekyll
I think the reasoning there is that you don't have to be involved in extra-curricular activity and if you so choose to do so you choose to submit to a drug test. They don't test the whole school because you don't have a choice of going to school or not. It's the same general principle that I think they apply to on the job drug tests. Working for a company that does drug tests is your choice if you don't like it you can find another job.
A public school is a government institution for supposed learning. The people pay taxes for programs whether they are extra-cirricular or not. It's up to the people not the schools to decide if this is the policy they want to adopt.
If i was a parent of course i would want to stay far away from this damning action. Firstly you are randomly testing a group of kids with absolutely no reason for suspicion.
Secondly what is the ultimate effect of this action. To give kids a scarlet letter and prevent them from assorted means of success through programs within the school. It makes no sense to judge children and their fallacies in an adult fashion anyways. That's part of growing up is making mistakes and learning from them. Not being drawn from a lottery and being the one kid left behind and not get the same opportunities afforded to other kids who very well may lead even a more destructive lifestyle.
Judging our children by limiting their opportunities may very well be a viable option for a kid who has been involved in host of anti-social behavior. You take a kid who has been caught shoplifting or having serious problems, the school and the parents can work together to help him/her. That might include random drug testing, i repeat at the discretion of the parents, or the courts. But we're skipping to a gross overreation when we test kids not only for applying to extra-cirricular activities, and i would mantain the same stance for random testing in the general population as well. For after all isnt this a technique to make the latter more acceptable? Then where do we go? It's anti-American.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Originally posted by fourgivn1
Umm, I know we all know this, but drugs are illegal. (Well, not over the counter drugs, but y'all know what I mean. :)

That being said, I'm all for random drug tests - IF they have a reason to test. For instance, if they've never had problems with drugs, then there's no reason. Now, if they suddenly have a kid wander in one day with red eyes, acting all weird, driving 2 miles an hour, and he's got the munchies big time, that'd be suspicious to me. And if they tested him, and he was positive, I do not think it would be wrong to do random drug tests. Drug tests may be an invasion of privacy, but drugs are illegal.....as soon as you take the drugs, as far as I am concerned, you void your 'right' to privacy as far as those drug tests are concerned.
That's not random.
Well unless you have never taken drugs in your whole entire life, you've forfeited your so-called "rights" and so have 98%percent of us here.
edit:oops sorry -bb- got on your case for this too. Oh well kick a man when he's down..;) :D


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Originally posted by Damn True
You are probably right, and I think the testing includes student atheletes as well. If not it should.

But taking your logic, and it is sound, to the next level. Why not ensure that those kids are held to a higher level of accountability so as to be a better example to other kids?
Uhhhmm well then we'd have to accept your "presumed" logic that kids will be influenced one way or the other.
Enter the scenario of the debate class parading around at the assemblies shelling out anti-drug sentiment, but then on a Friday party you see a bunch of em with lampshades on their heads at a ragin kegger.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Originally posted by LoboDelFuego
I think it's totally fair to be testing kids. I don't even think it should be random. I think it should be mandatory. Run the mile, flex test, sit-ups, and piss in a cup. Testing kids would make so many more get caught.
I remember one day last year at my school a rumor came up that they were doing drug testing in the afternoon. Half the kids walked home at lunch or began to drink tons of water (they're stupid). The cafeteria sold every single poppy seed bagel. If we really had had drug testing that day, it would have been great. (Most of the other riders on this board from my school will disagree with me, but who cares.)

It's not an invasion of privacy. Nobody is making you strip or doing a full body cavity search. Drugs are illegal, and even if they weren't, they have no place in an institution of learning. You can't bring a gun or other weapon to school, so some schools have metal detectors. You can't have drugs in school (or anywhere) so schools should have drug tests if they have a drug problem.

edit: spelling correction


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Originally posted by Sideways
Oh and I might add that my AP English teacher, who was very well respected and did an outstanding job teaching the finer points of Shakespeare, is an avid marijuana user.
Yah but most likely has a host of intangible problems like inability to deal with emotions, that nasty habits bring along with it. This is not a good role model, it's too bad to think how she's limiting her potential, and providing an avenue for other to limit theirs.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Originally posted by Skookum
Drug test a child on probation for commiting a crime. Drug test the staff who work at the high school. But a school should never have the right to test students for any other reason.
Justifying this infringement of rights, takes the power away from the parents. There are avenues to take if a kid is having problems with drugs, and testing is one of them, but at the discretion of the parent only.
No one should condone the use of drugs by students, especially parents. But that's not the issue, the issue is how far do we as a society react or overreact to the fallacies of youth. Certainly drugs can hamper the future of a child, but so can a black mark from a random drug test from a public institution. Think hard about the repurcussions of this policy and argue to me realistically if the benefits outweigh the negatives. Not testing, or drug prevention for a child, but the school dictating when,who, and how.
Damn your an amazing hunk of sexiness!


Don't mess with the Santas
Apr 16, 2002
Napavine, Warshington
Originally posted by Skookum
Yah but most likely has a host of intangible problems like inability to deal with emotions, that nasty habits bring along with it. This is not a good role model, it's too bad to think how she's limiting her potential, and providing an avenue for other to limit theirs.

She's limiting her potential???

My AP English teacher was a man, man.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Originally posted by BurlySurly
I cant even believe im reading this.

Marijuana (regardless of your personal feelings people) is ILLEGAL.

CHILDREN people....do not need to be smoking MARIJUANA!, or doing any other drugs to begin with. Who cares if you did. Would you want your kid smoking Marijuana? I doubt it.

With that said...School is a place for learning. An environment conducive to learning should not include students who are HIGH or INTOXICATED in any form.

I dont care if you a fu%$ing genius, you are not above the law. Being in calculus club or the football team sets students apart as representatives of the school. They should not HIGH or JUICED UP in any way. TESTING is a means of preventing that.

For CHRIST sakes people...use your heads.
Believe it or not i agree with most of this. However your setting a precedent in testing that doesnt wash with basic principles in freedom. Random drug testing is wrong. Pick and choose for a reason first, then throw them to fiery pits of hell. The latter should be debated as well. Ok we got a doper peice of crap kid let's hang him? uhmm stone him? uhmm sorry i'm being affected by Burly Surly here arent i.


Want fries with that?
Jan 4, 2002
Originally posted by LoboDelFuego
I think it's totally fair to be testing kids. I don't even think it should be random. I think it should be mandatory. Run the mile, flex test, sit-ups, and piss in a cup. Testing kids would make so many more get caught.
I remember one day last year at my school a rumor came up that they were doing drug testing in the afternoon. Half the kids walked home at lunch or began to drink tons of water (they're stupid). The cafeteria sold every single poppy seed bagel. If we really had had drug testing that day, it would have been great. (Most of the other riders on this board from my school will disagree with me, but who cares.)

It's not an invasion of privacy. Nobody is making you strip or doing a full body cavity search. Drugs are illegal, and even if they weren't, they have no place in an institution of learning. You can't bring a gun or other weapon to school, so some schools have metal detectors. You can't have drugs in school (or anywhere) so schools should have drug tests if they have a drug problem.

edit: spelling correction

dude TESTING for drugs is an invasion of privacy, SEARCHING for drugs on school campus is another subject in itself and is not what is in question. searching for drugs is not a big deal, however testing for them is. espically since most of the kids who are using drugs are not using them at school. i honestly don't know many kids who are dumb enough to light up at school. know some kids that have dropped acid n many other pills at school n snorted coke too before exams. it's really none of the schools business what happens outside of school. end of that discussion period. it's insane that kids are being suspended for fights outside of school and other actions (mistakes) they make outside of school. don't say that it doesn't happen, it may not at your school or in your area, but i have seen and know kids who it has happened to.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Originally posted by Sideways
Hostile environment?
The last thing I'd want if I were high would be to get into a fight.
A good number of my classmates and I all did very well high as hell in our AP classes, and came away with a lot more knowlege then we went into them with.
It's appearant that smoking pot has little to do with a students ability to learn.
A large percentage of kids smoke pot frequently enough to get busted should they be tested.
What exactly would be the benefit of a black mark on their record?
You've obviously not smoked the chronic hydroponic make you dumb enough not to be able to understand a bugs bunny cartoon tabaccky. I would beg to differ.:p
Perhaps you have a valid point of the misunderstanding and demonization of marijuana. But ultimately as Surly has stated it is bad for you. This isnt chicken soup we're talking about. It's like saying cigarettes should be overlooked to because they might help a kid study. I agree let's use proper perspective when talking about drug use, but it has to work both ways.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Originally posted by BurlySurly
I agree:D

Yes...i totally cut your quote. But just to prove a point. If we can see it as both bad and illegal....where's the basis for argument?
Just to argue with you knowing you crave it like crack should be any Monkey's motivation to find basis, logical or not.:D


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Originally posted by BurlySurly
Your life history is interesting and all, but it doesnt change any of the facts.

Kids dont need to be on drugs.
Testing will at least make them think twice.
Sideway's life history contained the them of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Yah let's put it in the crapper to make sure kids don't make the mistakes i made.:rolleyes:


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Originally posted by Skookum
Sideway's life history contained the them of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Yah let's put it in the crapper to make sure kids don't make the mistakes i made.:rolleyes:
Seriously though man, you needn't try everything to know that its bad. Sometimes a little fear is good.


Dec 26, 2001
Originally posted by zibbler
No, smoking pot is not as bad as smoking cigs.... it's a LOT worse! What do you think killed Bob Marley? He died of lung cancer because of the amount of ghanja he smoked. Weed is far more damaging to the lungs than cigs are.
I'm afraid you're wrong Bob Marley died of skin cancer. Since Bob Marley's Dad was white that where he probably got the gene for it.
It's spelt ganja and look at the statistics related to ciggrette and marijuana.Ciggrette's have killed a thousand times more people and that's not an exaggeration.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Originally posted by Eddie420
I'm afraid you're wrong Bob Marley died of skin cancer. Since Bob Marley's Dad was white that where he probably got the gene for it.
It's spelt ganja and look at the statistics related to ciggrette and marijuana.Ciggrette's have killed a thousand times more people and that's not an exaggeration.

Thats only because 100 times more people smoke cigarettes 100 times more often.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Originally posted by BurlySurly
Thats only because 100 times more people smoke cigarettes 100 times more often.

Wait, no........that would be 10,000.

I meant to say that 100 times more people smoke them 10 times as often....yeah, thats it.:D


Originally posted by Eddie420
I'm afraid you're wrong Bob Marley died of skin cancer. Since Bob Marley's Dad was white that where he probably got the gene for it.
Well, here lies another mystery. He may well have died of skin cancer. Some say it was a CIA coverup, some say lung cancer, others say he was murdered. That's besides the point. Weed, can cause cancer and other lung problems.

It's spelt ganja.....
Well, if you wanna split hairs, try this on for size. Quoted from http://www.daweedking.com/marijuana.html

Marijuana, hashish, charas, ghanja , bhang, kef, and dagga are all official names that have been applied to various varieties and preparations of the hemp plant....

Ghanja is a less active form of cannabis. Whereas hashish and charas are made from the pure resins, ghanja is prepared from the flowering tops, stems, leaves, and twigs, which have less resin and thus less potency. Ghanja is nevertheless one of the more potent forms of cannabis....

And so on and so forth.

Bottom line.... the stuff aint good for ya. It may not be as bad as coke, heroin, or other more lethal street drugs, but it's still not good for ya.


Dec 26, 2001
why would the CIA cover up Bob Marleys death???:confused:
I know it's not good for you.....neither is sitting at the computer and arguing about pointless topics like the spelling of GANJA


Jun 8, 2002
Asheville, North Carolina
Originally posted by BurlySurly
Seriously though man, you needn't try everything to know that its bad. Sometimes a little fear is good.
Smoking pot isn’t bad.
The dosage amount is miniscule.
Risk=hazard*exposure. Exposure to hazardous chemicals in pot is low, risk is low.
Find enough cases of people dying from pot to even begin to rank it as risky.
There’s a long list of worse things people do to themselves everyday.
Sitting behind this monitor can't be good for my eyes.
Breathing in rush hour funk sucks.
Eating fast food is gross.
Stomping on platform pedals is awful on the knees.
Smoking pot is literally nothing in comparison to a lot of socially acceptable and legal activities.
Arguing against pot on the grounds of it being an unhealthy activity is not much of an argument.
Unlike driving, where both hazard and exposure is high and quite often people die.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Originally posted by Sideways
Smoking pot isn’t bad.
The dosage amount is miniscule.
Risk=hazard*exposure. Exposure to hazardous chemicals in pot is low, risk is low.
Find enough cases of people dying from pot to even begin to rank it as risky.
There’s a long list of worse things people do to themselves everyday.
Sitting behind this monitor can't be good for my eyes.
Breathing in rush hour funk sucks.
Eating fast food is gross.
Stomping on platform pedals is awful on the knees.
Smoking pot is literally nothing in comparison to a lot of socially acceptable and legal activities.
Arguing against pot on the grounds of it being an unhealthy activity is not much of an argument.
Unlike driving, where both hazard and exposure is high and quite often people die.
So how do all these random facts equal out to pot not being bad?

Like i said before, people will come up with all these lame thoughts and ideas and instances about how pot is not bad. But everyone knows really, that there's nothing good about it.
Apart from just the health risks, just look at the statistics on the percentage of violent crime related to drugs.
I dont have any stats on hand, but how many people can you think of that started smoking pot, and either just burned out and started a career of loafing, or moved on to even harder drugs and ended up in jail for dealing or being caught on possession. I cant think of one damn benefit of marijuana, unless you either have terminal cancer or glaucoma, in which case there are still better legal drugs available.
People will continue to try and find neat little discrepencies and loopholes to justify their drug using. Fine, whatever, but no one will be convinced because its simply not true.


Jul 24, 2002
Glens Falls, ny
Sideways isnt just trying to give you lame thoughts, maybe they are as seen by you but what i think hes trying to say is that people do degenerating things to their bodies and environment everyday, is one more on the list going to hurt. Im not a drug user i have before tried pot but since people dont see consquences right away (on their bodies not getting caught) they are going to do it for whatever reason. Unless hopefully they have found other activites (e.x. sports, lifting, biking, school, etc.) to show them that they dont need false highs (i know that might sound corny) but that you can have just as much fun doing something else and feel good about yourself.


Jun 8, 2002
Asheville, North Carolina
Originally posted by johnny33fb
Sideways isnt just trying to give you lame thoughts, maybe they are as seen by you but what i think hes trying to say is that people do degenerating things to their bodies and environment everyday, is one more on the list going to hurt. Im not a drug user i have before tried pot but since people dont see consquences right away (on their bodies not getting caught) they are going to do it for whatever reason. Unless hopefully they have found other activites (e.x. sports, lifting, biking, school, etc.) to show them that they dont need false highs (i know that might sound corny) but that you can have just as much fun doing something else and feel good about yourself.
Thanks. That's about what I was getting at.
The thing I don't like is that marijuana is illigal.
Based on the number of people who use pot, vs. the minor harm it causes the body...there just isn't any reason to criminalize users.

Imagine if NORBA randomly tested mountain bikers!


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Originally posted by johnny33fb
Sideways isnt just trying to give you lame thoughts, maybe they are as seen by you but what i think hes trying to say is that people do degenerating things to their bodies and environment everyday, is one more on the list going to hurt.

If we allow one more thing, then why not the next thing, then the next thing. My point is all people say is "its not that bad" or "it doesnt hurt that much" but never has anyone given a coherent reason of something good that POT can add to society.

It is yet another detriment, we've to many already.


Jun 8, 2002
Asheville, North Carolina
Originally posted by BurlySurly

If we allow one more thing, then why not the next thing, then the next thing. My point is all people say is "its not that bad" or "it doesnt hurt that much" but never has anyone given a coherent reason of something good that POT can add to society.

It is yet another detriment, we've to many already.
I can’t believe you aren’t aware of how useful the cannabis plant is.
Paper, fabric and engineering textiles (composites), food (oh yes, those seeds contain some of the healthiest fatty acids you can so easily digest), etc….the list goes on.

There are also all sorts of medicinal benefits of smoking pot.
Thousands of folks who suffer from MS, Glaucoma, HIV, and cancer find serious relief in marijuana.
But who cares about the extreme cases when there are millions of responsible Americans who really enjoy smoking pot?
Nothings wrong with enjoying a little reefer. Making it a criminal offence is ridiculous.


Jul 24, 2002
Glens Falls, ny
BurlySurly wrote:
"If we allow one more thing, then why not the next thing, then the next thing. My point is all people say is "its not that bad" or "it doesnt hurt that much" but never has anyone given a coherent reason of something good that POT can add to society."

We are in a democracy though and if pot can be scientificly proven to be just as harmful as legal drugs, and other bad things that are in our society then why can't pot be legal. Not that i think it should, because its not my job to say whether something is good or not its societies and voters. If society wants something that can be proven to be around the same level of harm to the body as legal drugs way not make it legal, if they dont make it illegal but i think in some ways making pot legal would be benefical. Do you know how much taxpayer money is being spent on keeping drugs out of the us? Its ridiculous, if we legalized it you could then regulate it and i believe lots of the drug related crime would fall because much of that violence revolves around drugs deals and whatnot. So by making it legal you take them out of the picture and free up lots of taxpayer money. Now i know your gonna say well what about all the people that might become burnouts put say around 1/3 (hypothetically) to treatment & rehab. The rest of the money could be used put into reserves so we have money in the economy is in a slump like it is now, or in to education, or into other things.


Jun 8, 2002
Asheville, North Carolina
Originally posted by johnny33fb
We are in a democracy though and if pot can be scientificly proven to be just as harmful as legal drugs, and other bad things that are in our society then why can't pot be legal. Not that i think it should, because its not my job to say whether something is good or not its societies and voters. If society wants something that can be proven to be around the same level of harm to the body as legal drugs way not make it legal, if they dont make it illegal but i think in some ways making pot legal would be benefical. Do you know how much taxpayer money is being spent on keeping drugs out of the us? Its ridiculous, if we legalized it you could then regulate it and i believe lots of the drug related crime would fall because much of that violence revolves around drugs deals and whatnot. So by making it legal you take them out of the picture and free up lots of taxpayer money. Now i know your gonna say well what about all the people that might become burnouts put say around 1/3 (hypothetically) to treatment & rehab. The rest of the money could be used put into reserves so we have money in the economy is in a slump like it is now, or in to education, or into other things.

Here's the problem!
Do you know where that taxpayer money goes?


Jul 24, 2002
Glens Falls, ny
well since i dont pay taxes i dont care, your money not mine. I don't have a say anyway, thats your problem where it goes, i don't have to worry until i have to start paying them.


Jun 8, 2002
Asheville, North Carolina
If folks were allowed to grow industrial hemp,
we might not be months away from war as we are now.
:confused: :eek:

Do some damn research and see what the mess is really all about.
Here's some keywords:



Dec 26, 2001
Originally posted by johnny33fb

We are in a democracy though and if pot can be scientificly proven to be just as harmful as legal drugs, and other bad things that are in our society then why can't pot be legal. Not that i think it should, because its not my job to say whether something is good or not its societies and voters. If society wants something that can be proven to be around the same level of harm to the body as legal drugs way not make it legal, if they dont make it illegal but i think in some ways making pot legal would be benefical. Do you know how much taxpayer money is being spent on keeping drugs out of the us? Its ridiculous, if we legalized it you could then regulate it and i believe lots of the drug related crime would fall because much of that violence revolves around drugs deals and whatnot. So by making it legal you take them out of the picture and free up lots of taxpayer money. . [/B]

I doubt the government really cares whether or not it's good for you. It's a money thing, government makes big bucks on taxes from beer and ciggrettes. If they could make money out of weed I think it would be legal by now. Though they can't so it's not an issue for them.


Dec 26, 2001
Actually the government here allows small places of industrial hemp. Which is definately a step in the right direction, though it's not enough it should be more widespread, it really is very versatile. By the way you would have to smoke a truckload to get high from it.....
hehe hasn't stop desperate people stealing it..:stupid:


Mar 5, 2002
All your arguments are good, but the original issue here was testing in school. And since drugs are illegal now, then we have to base our legislation on that.

But now we've moved on to the topic of legalisation. I'm pretty split on this issue, because I can see benefits on both sides, but also drawbacks.

However, the main point is: drugs are bad for you.(I feel i'm repeating myself here) There is no positive effect to making yourself stupid. So let's just keep them illegal and rack up some cash in fines. Saying "oh well riding a motorcycle on a highway is a million times more dangerous and deadly" isn't a valid argument. Yes, it is probably true. But just because something isn't as bad as another thing doesn;t mean it should be permitted. Imagine if that was your excuse for everything:
"Yeah officer I know I was speeding and I ran 3 red lights and a stop sign, but there are murders going on in the world. And nobody's stopping them."


Jun 8, 2002
Asheville, North Carolina
Originally posted by LoboDelFuego
All your arguments are good, but the original issue here was testing in school. And since drugs are illegal now, then we have to base our legislation on that.

But now we've moved on to the topic of legalisation. I'm pretty split on this issue, because I can see benefits on both sides, but also drawbacks.

However, the main point is: drugs are bad for you.(I feel i'm repeating myself here) There is no positive effect to making yourself stupid. So let's just keep them illegal and rack up some cash in fines. Saying "oh well riding a motorcycle on a highway is a million times more dangerous and deadly" isn't a valid argument. Yes, it is probably true. But just because something isn't as bad as another thing doesn;t mean it should be permitted. Imagine if that was your excuse for everything:
"Yeah officer I know I was speeding and I ran 3 red lights and a stop sign, but there are murders going on in the world. And nobody's stopping them."
Why should this unjust law be enforced by such extreme measures?

In North Carolina, sex in any position other than missionary is illegal.
This law should be enforced to its highest degree by installing video surveillance cameras in everyone's bedroom.


Want fries with that?
Jan 4, 2002
Originally posted by Sideways
Why should this unjust law be enforced by such extreme measures?

In North Carolina, sex in any position other than missionary is illegal.
This law should be enforced to its highest degree by installing video surveillance cameras in everyone's bedroom.
LOL :devil: i can hear the hillbillies in boone now "WHAT he raped in the ass?!?! i've done had it now GET 'EM BOIS"