
Random new bike thread


Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2001
Well, yeah, but that's basically just Black Sabbath.
Sleep's "Dopesmoker" is a true masterpiece. Unsurprisingly, I think it would make a great bike name.

You know... "Spent the night wrenching on my Dopesmoker in the bong shed, adding moar shimz and stuff..." It just works.


Joe Dalton
Apr 18, 2002
Sleep's "Dopesmoker" is a true masterpiece. Unsurprisingly, I think it would make a great bike name.

You know... "Spent the night wrenching on my Dopesmoker in the bong shed, adding moar shimz and stuff..." It just works.
Dopesmoker I know hit the bong shed too hard before cutting his new fork's steerer. :D


neu bizutch
Feb 5, 2006
not in Whistler anymore :/
you used ß wrong. it is sometimes used to replace ss, but not always. there are rules ffs!

Single –s
  • At the beginning of words:
    der Saal (hall, room), die Süßigkeit(candy, sweet), das Spielzimmer(playroom)
  • Mostly in nouns, adjectives, adverbs and a few verbs when preceded and followed by a vowel:
    lesen (to read), reisen (to travel), die Ameise (ant), gesäubert (cleaned)
    Exception and Examples: die Tasse (cup), der Schlüssel (key); some common verbs -> essen (to eat), lassen (to let), pressen (to press), messen (to measure)
  • After consonant -l, -m, -n, and -r, when followed by a vowel: die Linse (lentil), der Pilz (mushroom), rülpsen (to belch)
  • Always before the letter –p: die Knospe(a bud), lispeln (to lisp), die Wespe(wasp), das Gespenst (ghost)
  • Usually before the letter –t: der Ast(branch), der Mist (dung), kosten (to cost), meistens (mostly)
    Exception Examples: Verb participles whose infinitive form have a sharp -s. See the rule about using –ss or –ß with infinitive verbs.

Double –ss
  • Usually written only after a short vowel sound: der Fluss (river), der Kuss (der Kiss), das Schloss (castle), das Ross(steed)
    Exception Examples:
    bis, bist, was, der Bus
    Words ending in –ismus: der Realismus
    Words ending in –nis: das Geheimnis (secret)
    Words ending in –us: der Kaktus

Eszett or Scharfes S: –ß
  • Used after a long vowel or dipthong:
    der Fuß (foot), fließen (to flow), die Straße (street), beißen (to bite)
    Exception Examples: das Haus, der Reis (rice), aus.

Infinitive Verbs with –ss or –ß
  • When these verbs are conjugated, then these verb forms will also be written with either –ss or –ß, though not necessarily with the same sharp –s sound in the infinitive form:
    reißen (to rip) -> er riss; lassen -> sie ließen; küssen -> sie küsste


Turbo Monkey
Sep 1, 2004
thats not complicated. this is rules based. deciding when to use der/die/das is way more fun for the common Ausländer

Oof. I spent a year of high school in Germany...many years ago.

Came home with a basic conversational fluency, but still always had trouble with that bit.


neu bizutch
Feb 5, 2006
not in Whistler anymore :/
Long time lurker but first time poster. Didn’t want to comment but with that photo released the cat is probably out of the bag.

That is the Atherton AL170? aluminium prototype at Dyfi. Had a good look back in the summer, was just on an uplift and got talking to one of their trail builders. He was very open about it, answering all my questions! They’ve all been testing it all summer, basically trying to destroy it by putting years worth of riding into months. It was absolutely beat up when I saw it, but he said it’s indestructible.

Aluminium bonded into aluminium lugs with a fairly rudimentary CNC swingarm. The tubing on is really thick, probably 50% over a ‘normal’ tube size and seriously burly. Geometry looked very similar to the current AM170. Weight was in line with a standard aluminium enduro bike, and that’s with some pretty heavy duty parts.

Depending on price and where it’s built, if they do a AL130X frame only I’ll probably buy one.


not worthy of a Rux.
Jun 22, 2009
With all this talk of Aluminium being the new wonder material, it’s apropos that I’ve stumbled across these Profile aluminium mtb cranks.

not much info out, but I love the relief machining on the reverse. A different site has them for cheaper, but the images are better on the above link.


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
With all this talk of Aluminium being the new wonder material, it’s apropos that I’ve stumbled across these Profile aluminium mtb cranks.

not much info out, but I love the relief machining on the reverse. A different site has them for cheaper, but the images are better on the above link.
Ewww, did they hire someone from E13 to design the splines?

I'll stick with Saints, 1/3 the price and still all sorts of awesome.