

Turbo Monkey
For me this is so ridiculous its almost like giving in to terrorism.

I dont care if someone is gay or straight, trans or identifies as guy/girl/neutral. I hope everyone is happy and gets to fuck whoever they want.
Ill also call them whatever they want once theyve made up their mind about it
What i wont do is feel bad about accidentally misgendering someone, or refer to a group as “yall” instead of “you guys” because some snowflake is such a narcesist they cant handle their personal pronoun of choice not being included when talking about a group of people.

I also wont sympathize with male trans athletes competing together with fully biological women and I will not change the way I adres someone on the fly if that person is gender fluid and switches gender several times a day. And yes these people are still rare but they actually exist and if we give in to this nonsense it will only get worse.

Instead of sheltering these people in safe spaces they need to learn youre gonna feel offended sometimes and just deal with it like every single human being before you has.

I consider myself very progressive but I will not stand for this crazy social justice warrior outrage culture where you score points by outing people for sport and to make yourself look good.

/rant over :D

Montana rider

Tom Sawyer
Mar 14, 2005


Missed opportunity: auction that porcine morsel off like a high end Tuna....

Montana rider

Tom Sawyer
Mar 14, 2005
Another 5 moose (meh, they're like cockroaches out here...) float day.

Including this big momma with her twin calves on shore...

I dunno - take a hit and call it good? Maybe just a tiny hit? Seems like it would be a good value... :D
Eh, I'd hit it / Eddie would go...

What's the worst thing that could happen?
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