

Apr 27, 2008
orange county ca
If this is a poopdeck, fuck you.

now i will not argue this point as it has some validity. But... i have been a manager for a major chain grocery store for the last 20 years and i have collected so many of said “savages” carts from parking lot. That I have decreed that i don’t ever have to put a cart back for the rest of my life.



Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
now i will not argue this point as it has some validity. But... i have been a manager for a major chain grocery store for the last 20 years and i have collected so many of said “savages” carts from parking lot. That I have decreed that i don’t ever have to put a cart back for the rest of my life.

My grocery store renovated a couple of years ago, including reconfiguring the parking lot. THey gave all the prime spots to the "click and collect" crowd. and moved the cart docking stations into weird spaces. Ever since then, I said fuck 'em, and leave my cart. passive aggressive and petty? yes. but I don't care for their kind of "progress".


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
now i will not argue this point as it has some validity. But... i have been a manager for a major chain grocery store for the last 20 years and i have collected so many of said “savages” carts from parking lot. That I have decreed that i don’t ever have to put a cart back for the rest of my life.


Everyone is special for some reason. That is what makes this country so great.