oh, I remember..Probably 05 @Nick should remember that place.
But imagine making shapes with your hand in it!Barf and barf.
I'd wreck because I'd just be trying to tea bag it all day trying to imprint the berriesBut imagine making shapes with your hand in it!
18 kids so far here..
100-ish so far.18 kids so far here..
where's that?
New Zealandwhere's that?
I don't usually dig on artificially lit foregrounds of landscapes but that's pretty legit (but also very much a composite shot)
Not 100% but fairly sure that is Queenstown as seen from somewhere on the Remarkables Ski Field.New Zealand
Flooding and not flooding or dam removal?
Looks like it was taken from here https://www.google.com/maps/@-45.0576495,168.8008057,3a,75y,287.28h,72t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipM1rC8iD4b1HXDLeAsvFbOtdgf_tBvBEDTwjqDw!2e10!3e11!6shttps://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipM1rC8iD4b1HXDLeAsvFbOtdgf_tBvBEDTwjqDw=w203-h100-k-no-pi-0-ya179.34413-ro-0-fo100!7i7168!8i3584Not 100% but fairly sure that is Queenstown as seen from somewhere on the Remarkables Ski Field.
Flooding. From the Storms we have had.Flooding and not flooding or dam removal?
slingshotI wonder how do they deal with their poop.
all that is missing is a unicorn....where's that?
I don't usually dig on artificially lit foregrounds of landscapes but that's pretty legit (but also very much a composite shot)