

the teste
Nov 22, 2002
It's almost like it's going to become so much, with so much mass it changes into a solid!

I would have expected 60ft with the very obvious la lina hammering you guys have been getting this season
We keep getting heat waves after the snow so a lot of it has been melting even at elevation. Cascade Concrete at its best. Warm wet weather next week, I suspect flooding will be an issue.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Its not. A single column would be more phallic IMO. My OCD would not be able to overcome how the columns are not centered to the overhang. I could only enter on the right of the column rendering the whole left side of the building useless to me. Why exactly is there a frieze on the bottom of the paired column? Need I point out the lack of architrave or dentils on top. The triglyph is so high up I cannot distinguish what it may represent. Can you?