

Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2008
When my buddy bought Santiam Bikes, I learned a lot about how a bike shop should be run vs my buddy who opened Trailhead Cycles. Trailhead was all on credit, Troy owns 100% of his inventory at Santiam. He showed me the stacks of $300 bikes in boxes in the basement that pay the bills. Trailhead was trying to be all high end freeride and downhill bikes that were $3k-$5k back in the mid '00s. Trailhead folded after 2 years and he ducked out owing all sorts of folks.
Trailhead cycles had the cooler t-shirts though. :D
Loved the Santiam crew, saw them often in Blackrock. Rode with Chris Eggen a bit.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Just *hammering* home to Syndasti that bears (even small masked ones) can and do break into houses. Speaking of bears, I know they're probably very sleepy in Siberian Tahoe, but once stuff starts thawing out, you should start putting bags of candy and jars of peanut butter in every Musk fire wagon you see.
your tinder date turned out to be a raccoon and you didn't realize til you got home?


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Trust me when I say this: this is strictly an internal civil struggle among new englanders. No one else, legitimately, gives a shit. We shall not intervene.
While I generally agree with that sentiment, it's hard to take you seriously because there's no such thing as pizza west of the Mississippi river.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Former New Englander here. California has better pizza than most make it sound, on average I'd say better than a lot of the crap you get in NYC, New Haven, etc. (It's not all smoked salmon and avocado or bbq chicken...) Also, Chris Bianco would like a word with you JK...

Still, sure, I'll take a white clam pie with bacon from Frank Pepe's over pretty much anything else.



The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
London has better Indian food that 9/10's of India.
(But also some mediocre examples).
Fight me.
And I will likely not visit either, so I will have to settle for the Indian food here. Please note, Portland and suburbs have some incredible Indian food. There used to be a cart downtown that did a 3 course lunch special with naan for like $6. That pod was disbanded, so I don't know where that cart ended up, dammit.

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