Whats this??? Your first post and you jump right into the Random pics thread??? Brave move sir.... Brave move
edit: The real dad faked his own death in a car accident to get away from his crazy baby momma.What a ****ing cunt.
Whats the point of that?Frank Mcgrath may be on juice, but he is still a boss.
And I applaud that comeback. Touche' that was good for sure haha.
Yea that's true man. When I get a real low percentage I start getting cranky when I don't eat either. I can only imagine at a higher weight. I think eight percent and 200 pounds is feasible in 2-3 years though at 170 pounds at age 20. I won't hang there for long though. It's just those two numbers have been in my head after I gained the first 10 pounds of muscle haha.The problem is that as you grow older that eight percent becomes less and less healthy, and harder to maintain.
My personal goal is to hold around 12-15 percent. that way I dont start passing out just from getting lunch late.
Don't lie......you still play on that swingset.
The thing is getting over certain size is unpractical and a PITA in everyday life. Much worse than getting injured from time to time. You have problems with fitting clothes and you loose reach (ever tried scratching your back, let alone washing it?Though i dont understand why anyone would want to look like that, Im sure those guys dont understand why anyone would wanna jump a bike off a 30 foot rock into a bunch of other rocks...
My dad would tell me hilarious stories when he worked in the shipyards in Boston. He'd work with huge, roided-out bodybuilder types that looked like they could carry around sheets of steel, pipes and anchors like it was hobby. Only problem was most of them were TOO big, inflexible and awkward so they couldn't use their bodies' to their full potential strength-wise. Meanwhile a normal looking older guy could easily outlift/carry them because he knew how to use his body how it was meant to be used.The thing is getting over certain size is unpractical and a PITA in everyday life. Much worse than getting injured from time to time. You have problems with fitting clothes and you loose reach (ever tried scratching your back, let alone washing it?). Also to remain as big you have to have a huge caloric intake. So big that eating often is the only option. I remember some powerlifter interview who claimed his body couldnt digest more food so he had to switch to fluids.
I understand bodybuilding but as long as it is PROPORTIONAL! Recently I balooned up because I wanted to go up from my meager 155lb and I did but my goal is to be 170-175lb max with up to 12% at 5feet 11.