

used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
It was. 1X recording capability. It took 4 hours to master a cd. DAT lived on for another 5 years. As soon as we were all in they changed the standard too.
I have a DAT at home, I had to record a couple of musos for sound engineering school.
I probably should just throw it out, I don't think 20+ years will have treated it well.
EDIT- I have an ADAT.
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You might feel a little prick.
Sep 1, 2015
San Diego
I skip the 9", they scare the poop outta me.
At my first labouring job the boss asked if I'd used an oxy before, I said no, turned out my first use of an oxy would be cutting counterweight bolts off an excavator, hahaha!
I love using the oxy torch, don't get to use it enough.
two words, plasma cutter! My oxy/ace tanks last years now and the rose bud just lives on it. I only use flap discs and wire cups on my grinders now.