The Geologic anomaly that formed these mountains cannot be explained. I find that fascinating,Chacraraju, one of the hardest mountains to climb in Peru
Artesonraju, one of the prettiest IMO, along with Alpamayo
both are over 20000ft high...
I never understood tower high burgers. They have the same ingredients so they taste the same but are to high and therefore stupid hard to eat. Whats so cool in being covered in cheese ?
I never understood tower high burgers. They have the same ingredients so they taste the same but are to high and therefore stupid hard to eat. Whats so cool in being covered in cheese ?
does not make up for this
My dads neighbor plays his little faggot games so loud it sounds like it is in his apartment. I politely asked him to turn it down. He felt it was his right to play them that loud. The kids in the park next door just needed the door left open to fix the problem. I owe them one...