That second one is absolutely fantastic. I love it.someone's been to the NCMA and snapped their Kehinde Wiley . . . Judith and Holofernes goes black . . . #badmammajamma
ours is a bit tamer:
it pales before this, painted by a nobody artist the year of the Selma marches, which I hung adjacent (it's 1/100 of the market value of the WIley, @johnbryanpeters, but likely one of my proudest acquisitions)
I used to really enjoy his threads.
What could go wrong?
Most Fridays I'll chuck a beer in my Camelbak (next to the bladder which I fill with ice) for a late afternoon mid-ride refreshment.New favorite mid ride snack, bourbon and cashews. Why haven't I been doing this all along?
too bad Canada isn't on that map, as I think we'd take the cake for Dildo, Newfoundland. Which is up the coast from Killbride...