

The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
i just saw H.R. perform two weeks ago and it was flippin great....though it seemed 95% of the people there had no idea who the old man was when he came on stage.
I haven't seen Bad Brains in forever, but seriously one of my top 5 live bands. I've been a fan of Mos Def, but have never seen him live. The idea of them together has me excited, I have no idea what the crowd will be like, though. Could be interesting. :rofl:


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
1/3 hip hop hipsters + 1/3 old punks + 1/3 confused/drunk people

saw bad brains in the mid 90s in a little club in portland, me. flippin awesome. i like the early stuff, but imo quickness was the shiz.


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
it's almost summer...time to break out my jimmydean-flops

not sure of what to do? jimmydean a coin!

omg! that's so crazy! i'm jimmydeaning out!

dude. tom van steezburgers totally jimmydeaned that front jimmydean over the canyon gap at rampage last year, bro.

timer went off...better jimmydean my burger so that side doesn't burn

angry? just throw him the bird! you know, jimmydean him off!

i din't like this track on my record. maybe i'll try the jimmydeanside

peace out...catch you on the jimmydeanside, bro.

dude your phone is a jimmydeanphone...so oldskool.
