

Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Ha, knew it ! You don't really eat bacon because if you did then you'd realize that moderation is futile.
Heh. I had bacon for dinner Thursday. Just bacon. I guess if you consider beer food (which I do), I had bacon and beer for dinner. :D

You've clearly never met @SkaredShtles. He's got the whole "famine survivor" chic thing going on.
Around this house we simply call it "emaciated."
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Not trying to go all Syadasti here, but for one it's loaded with purines, the chemical compound responsible for uric acid and subsequent gout attack. Two, pork fat is very bad for the heart, especially if there is a history of heart disease in one's family.

Don't get me wrong, I loved bacon in all it's delicious varieties and miss it dearly. I had to make a major lifestyle change just so I could keep walking and be able to ride a bike.

If I could eat bacon and ride, you better believe I would.
The association between animal fat and coronary disease has been pretty much debunked.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Two things Humans have no control over. Waiting for a bottle of wine to properly oxidize and eating in any semblance of moderation. The smell of searing flesh overrides all of baser instincts in most everyone and almost always. Our lust for Hot burnt flesh is the same instinct that bears have with honey. Humans will endure burns to eat flesh as bears will endure a stinging insect to eat honey. Almost always....
How did you know I have a bottle of Merlot for dinner tonight, and serving up some venison tenderloins grilled to medium rare???


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Here's one, Google will reveal others.
I dunno, sounds suspicious to me, but that's probably because I was going by what the Cardiologist has been saying and what my Dad was told at the rehab center. Until I hear it from an actual med professional, then I don't give it much credit. I could be wrong, but not taking any chances with the old man's heart.

My Dad, a fitness freak used to eat a lot of butter, then he had a heart attack. So...



i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
Attention pet owners!!!
I know, I know you think those furry little beasts are your kids- but one thing your kids won't do when you die- EAT YOU!!!! It's true. Once their little bowl of food runs out and your nice meaty dead body is laying there on the floor- guess who they are coming after- YOU!!!! Most of the time people are wearing clothes, so the exposed areas of skin are what they come after. They may lick your hands or face because of familiarity- but then they get hungry- and all of a sudden the soft tissue on your face becomes super appealing Soon, half your face is gone. And don't say ohhhhh not my dog or cat, they are animal people!!!! Bon appetite!