Marco Rubio and the worlds most awkward hug of the first daughter.What am I seeing here?
she's just not used to normal sized hands.Marco Rubio and the worlds most awkward hug of the first daughter.
Marko is thinking: "Is this how a human boy hugs?"Marco Rubio and the worlds most awkward hug of the first daughter.
ftfy.she's just not used to human contact.
the moment before someone throws up in their mouth....What am I seeing here?
Here is a photoshop tutorial from 2010 on how to fake a Time cover, including a sample barcode. By complete coincidence, the Trump cover uses the exact same barcode.
"...and over here is the picture of me with Ghengis Khan. He was a great ruler you know..."
It now makes sense why he won't dine alone with a woman who is not his wife.