if you want to feel safe....move to canada.says the Boston Marathon bombers.
if you want to feel safe....move to canada.says the Boston Marathon bombers.
x2..."you must spread some reputation around before giving it to jimmydean again."
initially claimed that he didn’t realize “Uncle Tom” was considered a racial slur.
Maybe he's taking it back?
She did refer to a busted bottle as a nigger knife...
Yes, he has continued the policies put in place by Bush which started almost a year before Sept 11th. Terrorism is not a valid excuse considering the timeline, how many incidents they have missed, and the low actual threat of terrorism compared to things like bees or lighting strikes.pretty black & white to me
In a report about the NSA's mission for the 21st Century, the agency notes: "The volumes of routing of data make indexing and processing nuggets of intelligence information more difficult. To perform both its offensive and defensive mission, NSA must 'live on the network.'"
Short citation:
National Security Agency, Transtion 2001.
Timeline Category:
Inspectors General Report
External Link:
Timeline Date:
Friday, December 1, 2000