
Random Presidential Nominee fact


Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
JFK was the last Senator to receive a presidential nomination from either party. My poli-sci prof attributed this to the fact the because of the size of the senate, nothing would get done without using "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine" tactics. His rational made sense to me.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
he's saying that in order to accomplish what you want to get accomplished, you have to agree to some bills that a) aren't that popular and b) will screw you if you try to run for higher office.

there's also been other reasons why senators don't get elected:

1) team effort. if you're a gov. you can point to *your* accomplishments during your term, if you're a senator you didn't pass anything without 50 (usually) other senators signing on to the bill.

2) not many have made it to the nomination.
00 was VP Gore and Gov Bush,
96 was Pres. Clinton and Senator Dole,
92 was pres Bush and Gov Clinton,
88 Was VP Bush and Gov Dukakis,
84 was Pres Reagan and former VP Mondale,
80 was Pres Carter and Gov Reagan,
76 was Pres Ford and Gov Carter
72 was Pres Nixon and Sen McGovern
68 was former VP Nixon and VP Humphrey (who formerly senator but VP in 64)
64 was Pres LBJ and Sen Goldwater

So only 3 times since JFK and only once in the last 30 years has a Sen actually made it to election day. Says more for Kerry actually becoming the nominee than for his actual chances come nov.

dante said:
So only 3 times since JFK and only once in the last 30 years has a Sen actually made it to election day. Says more for Kerry actually becoming the nominee than for his actual chances come nov.


I think you underestimate Kerry's chances in November. Ole dubbya really beny himself over when he asked for more money for Iraq. On the other hand, Kerry cant seem to get off the fence and make up his own mind about much of anything except what he wants for dinner. I can tell you this, dubbya has one of the best "spin" teams and political strategy teams money can buy. So let's all sit back and hope to hell that the American people (oops, electorial college) can pick the best idiot for the job.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
genpowell71 said:
I can tell you this, dubbya has one of the best "spin" teams and political strategy teams money can buy.
Lol. I had that exact conversation with my parents less than a week ago. For as long as I have been following politics, it seems that the priority is to do what you want, then spin the repercussions. The GWB admin seems to be elevating this tactic to an artform.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
genpowell71 said:
I think you underestimate Kerry's chances in November. Ole dubbya really beny himself over when he asked for more money for Iraq. On the other hand, Kerry cant seem to get off the fence and make up his own mind about much of anything except what he wants for dinner. I can tell you this, dubbya has one of the best "spin" teams and political strategy teams money can buy. So let's all sit back and hope to hell that the American people (oops, electorial college) can pick the best idiot for the job.
oooops, you misunderstand me, I'm just saying that for all those who say that Kerry won't win b/c no senator has won since JFK, I'm pointing out htat only one other senator has actually made it onto the ballot (for a major party) in Nov. in the last 30 years. I just hope this one has better luck than Dole. :)

As for Kerry, the original poster was correct, there's a hell of a lot of back-scratching going on in congress, and some votes that seem politically favorable (War Powers Act, No Child Left Behind) become unfavorable when
a) president doesn't use all options open to him before dragging the country into war or
b) president under-funds his own NCLB act by $400m, so it's underfunded, overly complicated, and appearing to be achieving the exact opposite that it was originally intended to do.

So with both of these bills, Sen Kerry thought voting yes would be good for the country and himself, and now believes that they are actually detrimental. If he does anything about it, he's a "flip-flopper" (never mind bush's flip-flop, under-funding his own education bill by $400m), and derided as wishy-washy. Note who calls him a flip-flopper and you'll see its mainly faux news and those who watch faux news.
