
Rant about dog walkers in my town.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
Urgh While eating breakfast this morning, I opened our towns local paper. One of the first things was the story about some stupid lady who was walking her dog on one of the 4 golf courses here. Huge german shepherd, anyway she has no leash on it. Some huge buck (white taled deer) was walking across the golf course. So the dog chases after it, she does nothing. The deer gets chased on to a road where it slips on ice and break 2 legs and it's antlers. It's lays there will the dog starts tearing peices off the helpless deer. Th owner finally comes and takes her dog off the animal, ppl near by call the game warden, who comes 1.5 hours later. He quikly finds an axe and puts the buck out of it's misery.
What pisses me off if locals are complaining that it was inhuman for him to use an axe. WTF he couldn;t use his gun cause he was a by a gas station. At least he didn;t let it suffer like everyone else did. Whats worse is no one complained about the dog owner. Urgh ppl in my towm piss me off so much.

Another thing is we used to have chicken, yes chickens. About 20 of them and they were all like rare breed expensive ones. Until some asshat was walking her dog (no leash) and her dog came and killed them all. :dead:
Rant over, for now. :nuts:


May 6, 2003
JMAC said:
ppl near by call the game warden, who comes 1.5 hours later. He quikly finds an axe and puts the buck out of it's misery.
What pisses me off if locals are complaining that it was inhuman for him to use an axe. WTF he couldn;t use his gun cause he was a by a gas station.
Damned if ya do, damned if ya don't. . . the poor warden shoulda just put the dog back on the buck. . . let nature take it's course ;)

Had an old neighbor who let his dog run all over and it would chase me on my night rides. I got in the guy's face and told him he was rude. He just kept letting the dog out. From then on, if the dog was out while I was riding, I always steered directly toward it, and it would bolt for the porch.

If I had more land I'd get an "invisible fence" so my dogs could have room to roam. On my little lot they stay in the fenced yard. If I'm out walking them, they're on leashes. Well, ok, I let the retriever chase birds down by the lake when no people are around. There are no deer, and she won't mess with cattle, so there's no risk there.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
Thats fine but having a deer killed because of a stupid dog owner. That pisses me off more than anything. It's bad enough we have impossed ourselves on nature as much as we have.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
I have a neighbor who lets their dog shi+ wherever it wants and they never pick it up. I have found it in my front yard 3 times now, and my 2 year old found it once with her shoe and tracked it into our cream carpet before the mess was discovered. My children play on that fuggin' carpet. If I ever find out who it is, I will personally take a giant 2-foot steak-n-eggs dook right on the cowl of their car. How's that for a hood ornament, beeee-aaatch! :angry:


Jan 29, 2004
Marietta, GA
Dog owners tend to be incredibly incosiderate. I know there are lots that are responsible and considerate (thank you), but too many are worthless ****bags (pun intended). btw-I manage high-rise condo's so I have a pretty decent sample upon which to base my opinion :D I find crap and piss absolutely everywhere, all the time, and it is definitely not a "bad apple". It's common. I hope I never catch anyone's dog in ****ting in my yard (aka where I play with my kids) because I would definitely get in trouble.

DH Diva

Jun 12, 2002
bmxr said:
Dog owners tend to be incredibly incosiderate. I know there are lots that are responsible and considerate (thank you), but too many are worthless ****bags (pun intended). btw-I manage high-rise condo's so I have a pretty decent sample upon which to base my opinion :D I find crap and piss absolutely everywhere, all the time, and it is definitely not a "bad apple". It's common. I hope I never catch anyone's dog in ****ting in my yard (aka where I play with my kids) because I would definitely get in trouble.
My biggest pet peeve is when people let there dogs crap all over the place and don't clean up after them!!! I am a dog owner myself and would have to agree, there is a big percentage of dog owners that just don't care. I carry doggie doo bags in my purse or in my coat pockets at all times. My dog's poo shoudn't be anyone else's problem.

The worst is when you're a responsible pet owner who cleans up your dog's poo, and you walk out your front door and step in crap that someone let their dog deposit in your front lawn!!! This happend to me a couple of weeks ago and it really pissed me off! I think I know who did it too. The week before it happend, I hassled a guy who was letting his dog crap in my 85 year old neighbors lawn and then didn't pick it up. I think he sicked his dog on my lawn, because now there's random dog poo in my yard at least once a week. Yuck!


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
This all reminds me that the local trails in my town, which used to me ok riding. I have giving up riding on cause I hate running over dog *hit and having it spray off my wheel onto me. I know you might think you could go around it, and I try but sometimes you just hit it. Urgh


Turbo Monkey
Oct 5, 2004
Rochester N.Y.
I know the feeling, one of the elderly neighbors of mine had this huge german shepherd who enjoyed attempting to attack me and doing his dirty work on my lawn. One time I was out helping to put up a tree swing for a neighbors kid and the freakin dog hopped over the first fence between our two yards...of course at this point I decided I better get into a house pretty quickly. Of course I stepped into the slip knot loop I had tied for the rope for the swing. Lets just say what followed next was not a pleasant experience at all. About a month or so later the same dog bit another neighbor and that was the end of that, someone called animal controll and the dog was put to sleep because it had assaulted people and that was the last straw. On a side note if you find dogs going on your lawn a lot I have always been half tempted to take the pooper scooper, grab the evidence, and politely leave it at the persons house saying something like "I believe this is yours, just returning it". However better judgement has kept me from doing so. On a side note I always just let my dog go to the bathroom on my lawn first then would take her out on a walk and clean it up when I got back, I never understood what is so hard about that and why it seems like most of these morons would never even think of something so simple and curtious.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
If your cat ****s in a person's yard, that makes you a bad cat owner. That doesn't mean that it's ok to not clean up after your dog. If I see it, I just call people on it. Walking after them to give them a bag of crap that they were too lazy to clean up usually shames them.


Jan 29, 2004
Marietta, GA
Cats bury their **** anyway. You ever stepped in cat poo? I haven't and I had cats throughout my entire childhood. Not that bad cat owners would excuse bad dog owners anyway...


Turbo Monkey
Oct 5, 2004
Rochester N.Y.
Cats are even worse than dogs when it comes to this. My neighbor at one point had 11 cats, that is not an over estimate. Her cats were constantly on my lawn and in my back yard and under my deck. They also constantly harrased my aging dog. A slingshot and a couple of very close warning shots zinging by their heads did the trick and they stopped coming around. I also had to use the hose to get one out from underneath my deck, which may sound inhumane or mean or whatever but a year or two earlier a rabbit got stuck underneath there and died so I didn't want the same thing to happen to this cat that my neighbor just let roam around anywhere it wanted.


I'm big on leaving animal s**t were it falls. Call me gross, but it's better than my hand in a sack on some warm turd. Then I puke, then there is another mess. That said, Casey doesn't crap anywhere but home. If we go camping, I must say, let the poop lay where it falls. I do hate me some cat pooh.

Edit - I think I would prefer the kid ask people to do his homework than to bitch about a dog chasing a deer. That's kind of natural for them. What about the hoods of cars those friggin fence jumping beasts damage???

dh girlie

loco said:
I'm big on leaving animal s**t were it falls. Call me gross, but it's better than my hand in a sack on some warm turd. Then I puke, then there is another mess.
AHAHAHAHAHAH! I would also puke...I have the weakest stomach...all I have to do is THINK about the time on Howard Stern where the guy was going to eat a booger...(starting to feel the gag reflex) from howards nose to get his (gagged just now..not kidding) bands cd played on the air and I will start gagging...it was on a plastic spoon...I need to stop before I actually puke...


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
bmxr said:
Cats bury their **** anyway. You ever stepped in cat poo? I haven't and I had cats throughout my entire childhood. Not that bad cat owners would excuse bad dog owners anyway...

our cat, or some cat/cats, crap CONSTANTLY in our yard. we never had this problem at our old house but at our new house it sucks hugely.

the only think I can think of is that they are trying to mark their territory? because we moved into a house that had been unoccupied for months and I think some neighbor cats took it upon themselves to make the yard theirs...

anywho, it sucks.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
That sucks. But I am betting that the wardon knew what he was doing. Of you are a hunter, you can't depend on the first shot to kill an animal. You gotta be creative sometimes. But dogs on leashes are a problem where I live, too. My mom has been knocked down by unleashed dogs in a preserve near our house. They also crap everywhere. It has become a fovorite spot for dogsitters b/c they let the dogs sh!t everywhere. Dog walkers can be a royal pain in the ass.


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
bmxr said:
Cats bury their **** anyway. You ever stepped in cat poo?
Yep, couple of times in the front yard, and I don't own any cats. And the kids dug up some today playing in the dirt. Getting tired of the cats pooping in my flower beds.

Seems that the cats also like to spray on our front porch.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
mack said:
i hate people who feel the need for a big dog.

The meanest dogs that I have dealt with when I used to work at Vet clinics were smaller dogs.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.....a dog chases a deer and a deer dies :rolleyes:

WTF? Thats what dogs do. Like every day in the forest a deer doesnt die by getting eaten by some other animal.

...and ya know what else? Dogs/wolves/coyotes/foxes were all defecating all over the place before your freaking subdivision paved its way into their natural habitat and you declared your yard as your own little kingdon, and that you as king shall permit defecation only when and how you find it acceptable. Quit yer freakin' complaining already. The world is not all sunshine, lollipops and rainbows people. Dogs are going to keep ****ing and chasing **** as long as their are dogs.

Clark Kent

Oct 1, 2001
Yah...anyway...any half arsed idiot knows dog belongs on a leash..... Listening to kids bitch about homework is like listening to folks whine about thread topics! :nopity:

DH Diva

Jun 12, 2002
I don't see anything wrong with big dogs, as long as they are well behaved and their owners can keep them under control. My friend has a 180 pound pure breed mastiff. She is the most well behaved dog I know. Any dog that jumps all over the place, jumps up on people, barks it brains out over anything, or is generally not well behaved to me is a nuisence whether it's big or small. Size has little to do with it.