
Rant Started


Jun 13, 2003
Hollywood, Maryland, United States
So yesterday I rode my bike to work because it was a nice day out. I have about 15miles from work so it's a great commute.

So yesterday was my first day commuting to my new job, once I got here I walk into the building and one of the security personnel told me he wasn't sure if I was allowed to have my bike in the building. (I work in a secure building)

So I asked him to look into it. I told them that it was a very expensive bike I wouldn't be comfortable leaving it sitting in front of the building. Here is the email I received this morning.


I spoke to Leon this morning per your request. We do not want to set the precedent of allowing employees to bring bikes into the building, which is why we have a bike rack outside.

Please be assured that our Security Personnel at the front of the building are very observant and vigilant regarding the on-goings in the front of the building and in the parking lot. I'm sure you will not encounter any issues having your bike locked up outside.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,

WTF, I have my own office. It's not like I'm parking my bike in the hallway. And noone else in my building rides there bike to work.(Due to everyone being a F-ing fat asses)

These bunch of F-ing dumb asses. Sometimes I just can't understand people.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Dude, that's frikkin LAME. We have a bike rack outside too, but I bring my bike to my cubicle (on those rare days when I have a bike with me). I never asked for permission, and no one ever questioned me on it.

Would it really be such a big deal if a few employees had bikes in the office?


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Or maybe they have, and when confonted with this problem, decided to drive and not be a bitch about it.

Just a thought.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
If Security or Maintenance told me I couldn't bring my bike into the building, I'd complain to my V.P. and he'd kick someone in the ass for me. He's good like that. :D


Mar 14, 2005
I would have just kept walking and told the security "is ok i am going to put it in my office, theres plenty of room" maybe he would just let you go, sometimes askiing permission is worse.
I guess now maybe you can go to your boss and find out if there is anything that can be done about it

CrabJoe StretchPants

Reincarnated Crab Walking Head Spinning Bruce Dick
Nov 30, 2003
Groton, MA
MancilG said:
So yesterday was my first day commuting to my new job

let me get this straight......was yesterday your first day AT the new job or was it your first time riding your bike to your new job? if it is the first, and im not trying to be a jerk by any means, but i dont think i would ever ride my bike to the first day of a new job, just in case something like that did occur......

but i agree that is very lame....
I Are Baboon said:
If Security or Maintenance told me I couldn't bring my bike into the building, I'd complain to my V.P. and he'd kick someone in the ass for me. He's good like that. :D
That be it. You need to know who actually run things rather than deal with a securi-droid. It'll be harder after they already said no, but work on it.


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
Usually the problem isn't keeping it in your office, it's getting it through shared spaces (hallways, elevators, etc.) to your office. Some options: Find out if there is a storage or maintenance room on the ground floor or in the basement where you can lock it up. If available, come in through the delivery entrance instead of the front door. Check the stairwells; sometimes if the stairs stop at the ground floor instead of continuing to the basement, there's room behind them to store/lock a bike...you just have to make sure it doesn't impede traffic in case of a fire.


Jun 13, 2003
Hollywood, Maryland, United States
norco-freerider said:
let me get this straight......was yesterday your first day AT the new job or was it your first time riding your bike to your new job? if it is the first, and im not trying to be a jerk by any means, but i dont think i would ever ride my bike to the first day of a new job, just in case something like that did occur......

but i agree that is very lame....
It was my first time riding to my new job

(been here for about three months)


trail builder
Jun 17, 2002
Calgary AB
MancilG said:
He was riding a POS from walmart.
It took me $65 and change to get my commuter running. I highly doubt that my commute is any less enjoyable than the guys riding the $3000 carbon roady bikes.

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
Every time I'm headin' out to race or go away for a weekend ride, I like to kick out right after work on Friday's cause I live about 45 minutes away (stupid traffic) and I park both my FR and DH rigs in an empty cube...or in my office....it's pretty neat to watch people's reactions.

"These yours?? They're huge!...."
"I've never seen anything like this at Fred Meyer..."
"Which Wal-Mart did you get these from??!!"

Yah...keep talkin' ass clowns....:dead:

Anyway, hope you can get past that dipsquat with your bike. No matter how "secure" the outdoor rack is...once that securi-droid goes to take a dump, that front area is fair game.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
definitely have a talk w/ the facilities manager. i know that they are wary of setting a precedent, but like stosh said perhaps you can work out a compromise.

personally i just lock my bike to the rack provided, but our work location is pretty out of the way and there's really no danger of theft.


What you guys are missing is that they are just bikes to most people.

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
loco said:
What you guys are missing is that they are just bikes to most people.
Yep...until someone jacks a couple from your garage... oh wait....That wasn't a nightmare, it was real! Yeah...I'd see about getting someone higher up involved to circumvent the system so you don't come out to find something missing at the end of the day.


Secret Squirrel said:
Yep...until someone jacks a couple from your garage... oh wait....That wasn't a nightmare, it was real! Yeah...I'd see about getting someone higher up involved to circumvent the system so you don't come out to find something missing at the end of the day.
Yeah - bummer about your bikes, but if you ride to work, you wouldn't want to ride your best bike anyway. Particularly if you are Mancil and just plowed into a car two days ago. I never rode to work because there was no place to shower. Now that I live 35 miles away, I have no interest in getting up that early. It's not your employer's responsibility to provide racks. It's nice if they make concessions, but they don't let people smoke inside. What if it's wet out? What if you flatted and had slime or something? I understand our frustration as cyclists, but there is another side to it as well.


Mr. Ho Jangles
May 9, 2003
Our lease specifically states "No bikes in the building." Kinda sux. When I first started here they had a rusty POS bike rack down by the loading dock. Fortunately, they replaced it soon after and I can see my bike from my desk.


Nov 29, 2004
Back when I used to commute to work (I now work from home) the place I worked for would not let me bring my bike in the building either. I just flat out told them the bike rack was not acceptable and they needed to do something about it. Of course nothing really happened because of Loco's theiry "It's just a bicycle." But I was able to talk them into purchasing a seperate bike rack (the building had a bike rack for all the businesses, we were on the fifth floor with a catwalk to the parking garage) to put on the fifth floor of the parking garage and put it right next to the smoking area. While smoking disgusts me and I hated riding into it every morning, it was a great security place and it was fun hearing all the smokers say what a good idea riding your bike to work was and how they were going to start riding too...puff puff..cough cough...hack hack!


Turbo Monkey
Apr 24, 2003
Left hand path
I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving mine outside. It's relatively safe (rural Maine ffs), but the building is on the waterfront and sees a fair amount of foot traffic all day. My bike comes into my office.


Jan 14, 2005
Floating down the Hudson
I had a similar problem with my landlord and storing my mountain bike in my apartment. He was concerned about his floors (which is a valid concern) and wanted me to put my bike in his shed. So I've been going through a similar predicament this week.

I think it's funny how ignorant people are about bikes. My landlord looked at me like I was crazy for spending that much on a bike when he "has 2 perfectly good bikes that cost under $200 a piece." Like he's giving me advice or something! It's funny how people can't respect putting money into a hobby, or someone saving fuel and carbon dioxide by riding his bike to work. :rolleyes"


Jun 10, 2002
bluebug32 said:
I think it's funny how ignorant people are about bikes. My landlord looked at me like I was crazy for spending that much on a bike when he "has 2 perfectly good bikes that cost under $200 a piece."
you should've seen the look i had when my g/f told me how much a Coach purse cost.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
bluebug32 said:
I think it's funny how ignorant people are about bikes. My landlord looked at me like I was crazy for spending that much on a bike when he "has 2 perfectly good bikes that cost under $200 a piece." Like he's giving me advice or something! It's funny how people can't respect putting money into a hobby, or someone saving fuel and carbon dioxide by riding his bike to work. :rolleyes"

Walmart is the #1 bike seller in the country!!!

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
I just found out that my mother-in-law (who works for a construction company) has access to a pneumatic gun that shoots anchors into concrete.... Like I-hooks and the like....hmmm....now that's better than any bike rack...short of about 10,000 watts to the nuts....

I think I'll be installing a couple of those in my garage!! (the i-bolts...not the 10,000 watts o' juice...)


Jan 14, 2005
Floating down the Hudson
the Inbred said:
you should've seen the look i had when my g/f told me how much a Coach purse cost.
haha...right! And while I've never spent more than 30 bucks for a purse, I have 3 guitars sitting in my living room that I don't even have much time to play anymore. And, of course, when my landlord (a little retired Italian man) he thought it was crazy that I wasn't a professional musician. Why would I have those if I didn't do it for a living? Same with the bikes I guess...:rolleyes:

People are silly, silly creatures.


bluebug32 said:
haha...right! And while I've never spent more than 30 bucks for a purse, I have 3 guitars sitting in my living room that I don't even have much time to play anymore. And, of course, when my landlord (a little retired Italian man) he thought it was crazy that I wasn't a professional musician. Why would I have those if I didn't do it for a living? Same with the bikes I guess...:rolleyes:

People are silly, silly creatures.
I would buy Julie a $100 purse without thinking, but I am a sucker for nice leather.


Secret Squirrel said:
WHOA!......TMI dude....
It's a cowboy thing, and not in some Brokeback Mountain kind of a way. It's just that when I started working on saddles and belts and such, I gained an appreciation for nice leather. No bondage or crap like that. Just plain ol' nice leather.
i think a big problem is the "it's just a bike" thing. usually if you talk to them and let them know that you biek is worth multiple thousands of dallars they start to understand your concern a lot more...so talk to someone calmly and let them know how much your bike really costs....makes a difference.