
Rasmussen electoral count for Bush highest all year at 240

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
What? what? How can this be? Don't they know Kerry won the debate?

Rasmussen electoral count for Bush highest all year at 240
The Rasmussen Report | 10/7/04

Electoral College:

Bush 240 Kerry 169

The latest Rasmussen Reports Electoral College projection shows George W. Bush with 240 Electoral Votes and John Kerry with 169. There are now eleven states with 129 Electoral Votes in the Toss-Up category.

Today, we are moving Florida from Toss-Up Status to Leans Bush. In our daily Tracking Poll provided to Premium Members, Bush has been ahead by at least five percentage points for five of the last six days. In our last publicly released Florida survey, the President was up by four percentage points.