
Ratpac saturday


Jun 26, 2004
PNW woods
Hey anyone heard or know if the gate is open at ratpac? Planning a ride with a couple friends and we're looking at riding there. If not, approx. how long of a climb is it; heard it wasn't too bad if one doesn't mind a little climbing and pushing. Thanks for any info.


Turbo Monkey
Well, it's around 3 miles up - about an hour if you ride/push up...20 min. down if you are just coasting. Definitely sesh all the stuff on the way down or it won't be worth the ride up.

Last I was there (Labor Day weekend), the gate was wide open. That was a month ago, though.

I DO know the trail is in better shape now than it was at the beginning of the year and if borregokid was out there recently, then it's likely even better than a month ago.:cool:


Aug 12, 2004
Cle Elum
radjockette said:
Hey anyone heard or know if the gate is open at ratpac? Planning a ride with a couple friends and we're looking at riding there. If not, approx. how long of a climb is it; heard it wasn't too bad if one doesn't mind a little climbing and pushing. Thanks for any info.

The gate is open. The climb is 2.8 miles from the log pile to the junction. The climb is about 1350 feet to the junction with lower Rat Pac. How long it takes depends on the walking. I have seen guys with full 40 pound rigs go up in about 35 minutes or less. When you get to the junction follow the road to the left about a third of a mile. Look real close for the second trail that goes in on the right. About 50 yards from the road you will see the sign for Upper Rat Pac. If you dont see the sign you took the wrong trail. Hit upper Rat Pac and it will bring you right back to the main Rat Pac Trail. :)


Jun 26, 2004
PNW woods
Thanks for the info and directions Borregokid. I've been looking forward to riding the trail. Couple friends have been there once or twice and we might have Loren from the snoqual bike shop going with us. Guess he knows the trail like the back of his hand. Open gate or not, should all be good.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 22, 2004
I'll probably be going on Sunday. But, riding out of Roslyn on Ewok and up and over to come up the back way from West Fork. Rat Pac should be in great shape. But, if you're going to shuttle, you should also take No6 back into town for a good run to end the day. Just don't leave the cars at the dome like most of the shuttle Monkeys do. Get a driver to skip it and meet you in town for the post ride brew. You can ride right into the beer garden at the Roslyn Brewery and the have a, "bike up" window! Loren huh? I need to get over to the shop and say, "Hi" to him. It's been awhile and we have some "projects" to collaborate on. If you guys do go Saturday, how about a report for the Sunday crowd?


Jun 18, 2004
North "206"
I was over there on Saturday Octocber 1, 2004 from 10:00-5:00. The gate was open for shuttling that day. The trail was in one of the best condition and the weather was awesome. We did a total of 6 shuttle runs and left at 5:00. When we left I noticed that there was a new gate that was put up near the water run out near the entrance to the shuttle parking area. We also saw a worker working on the truck scaled and asked him about the new gate. He stated that they are going to put a couple more gates up due to people stealling his work tooks and people messing up the paved rodes. He stated that the new and old gates will be locked from today on. I don't know if he was a worker or the owner of the property but he looked pretty serious. I don't want to spread any rumors but that what was stated.


Aug 12, 2004
Cle Elum
The gates havent been locked yet. My guess is all the other property owners up the hill have an easement and he wont be able to lock the gate until everyone has keys. The other thing about the new gate is that it will be open weekdays. Would it be possible to get locked in on a weekday with all the other roads gated? I am sure a 4x4 wouuld get around at least one of the gates. As long as the main gate up the hill remains open you would still be able to get out via the ridge road(except winter).


Jun 26, 2004
PNW woods
Looks like we're heading up saturday arriving around 11am. Hoping for a shuttle day, have one 4x4, but if it's a push, so be it. Thanks for all the info guys, really appreciate it. This will be my first time up there, so I'm all stoked to ride a new place. Hopin to see some stuntage :)


Turbo Monkey
Mar 22, 2004
As Borrego will concur on this I can say with way too much authority that you don't want to ride over there during or right after a hard rain. The sand/mud turns into a peanut butter sludge that will actually stop your wheels from turning. Not fun at all.
You need at least a good day after a hard rain for it to dry out some. Then, it's awesome.

But, it looks like the torrential rains won't hit that side as bad.
Relying on Borrego or anyone else who's local to give us the latest.
Or, you can watch the Easton WSDOT cam when it's pointed East towards Roslyn/Cle Elum.
I use that all the time for rides over there.
Yeah, how was it after the rain?

I rode it on wednesday, and the top was a little sketchy, we kept blowing out the turns cause it was powdery, but overall it was a blast. We(Cable_guy and me) had about 6 other people with us, and we rode from 11:00 am till about 7:00pm, not all on ratpac, but it was a fun day of riding.

There is indeed a way to 4x4 around the gate. If you go up the rock to the right as you are going heading to the dome, it takes you on a little trail, then to a really rutted out downhill which shoots you out a little before the sandpits/cliffs area. I haven't tried it yet in my truck, but Im thinking about it.
There is one other way(within a half mile) that you can fourby to the top, but you would need one wicked truck to make it throught the lower part of the trail. It's pretty bad...well good if you like four wheelin'


Jun 26, 2004
PNW woods
Posted a new thread like a dumbass (newby chimp) lol. Oh well. It was
sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! "I LIKE IT" Primo soil conditions and all but the log ride up top was do-able and too much fun! :) Pretty much had the trail all to ourselves with the gate open and shuttle city. :cool: