
Ray's MTB indoor


Mr. Big Hot Pastrami
Feb 26, 2003
Bozeman, MT
I was wondering if anyone is going to Ray's indoor park in cleveland (sp?) this weekend and if they did go to the open house thing this past weekend what their impressions of it are.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 27, 2001
Avondale (Phoenix)
I was there, but I helped build so I am a little biased.... The place is great wether you just threw a leg over a bike or have lots of skill to spare. When looking at it the place does not look like it would be hard to ride but the stunts are harder than they look and the riding is more demanding physically then you could ever imagine being inside an old factory/wharehouse building. A few grom's complained there werent all that big off drops but since your inside and the floor is concrete and flat you have to build really high to make anything with a decent sized transition (if your into drops to flat I am sure we can hook you up with some rooftops in the neighborhood).

There is a decent video on the website www.raysmtb.com but it was shot before the expert section was completed but it will give you a decent idea.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Megan calls me a babe.
I already saw that, a friend off mine, showed me that. It's frikking awesome. I wish i would live in the neaburhood.

And that we had such indoor bikepark here. :( :help: