
Read Me!!!!


Aug 14, 2002
im so glad that school was completed 5 years ago...
on that note, damn, im getting olde!
stay in school, kids- the workplace has one benefit- no homework!

ethan- back in corporate americuh (its fun watching AT&T being taken over by Cingular 1st hand!)


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Well, you will be working soon, and then you will have NO breaks. Report cards never go away, they just call them Performance Reviews.Teachers become managers, etc.
Damn! I wish I was back in school. Easier than this crap except they don't pay you.

And to keep with the theme: :rolleyes:


SkaredShtles said:
You remember that "sassy" SNL skit from years back? Funny stuff, that. :D


Edit: I was up from 2:45-4:30 this morning, so I think I'm even less tolerant than usual................ ;)
Nice - you are sassy and talking about TV shows that you don't watch. Hypocrite!!!!!!!! :D
Who the f!@* is the 14 year old?
No Im not an ESl student. Im just really Dislexic (I know that is not how to spell it). You people are Spelling Nazis.
I was trying to say that, My school is dumb because the Holoday Break is in the middle of the second 1/2 of the semester, and it dosent make sense to me why finals are after the GD break.
By the way I coud take IRB.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
Eh, do what i do, blow it off, unless you want to go to harvard and get a internship and be a slave to money for the rest of your life. Me, i plan on going to a humble college and living DL.


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
caputo1989 said:
Who the f!@* is the 14 year old?
No Im not an ESl student. Im just really Dislexic (I know that is not how to spell it). You people are Spelling Nazis.
I was trying to say that, My school is dumb because the Holoday Break is in the middle of the second 1/2 of the semester, and it dosent make sense to me why finals are after the GD break.
By the way I coud take IRB.

Dude, I am the most dyslexic person you will ever meet, yet my posts are understandable. Dyslexia isn't a good excuse for being lazy and not proof reading what you wrote.
chicodude01 said:
Dude, I am the most dyslexic person you will ever meet, yet my posts are understandable. Dyslexia isn't a good excuse for being lazy and not proof reading what you wrote.
Good Point.
But when I proof read what I write Im able to understand it. So it dosent really do anything for me does it.:D

I still think the guy in your profile pic is dippin.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
caputo1989 said:
I only had 2 days to review what I learned 6 months ago.
You are lucky :thumb:
Bull. You knew when finals were.

You had all semester to learn what you learned and study what you learned.
caputo1989 said:
I plan on being an Engineer NOT a lawyer. The only class' i really care about are: Gym, Math, and Science. Otherwise I do Blow it off. But the fact is that Finals are this week and I have to take my tests with the FLU.

I hire a lot of engineers. Their ability to clearly express themselves is crucial. Figure it out.



Turbo Monkey
Here's an observation. You can really tell who's in school and who's not. The funny thing is shouldn't you have a better grip on how and what you're trying to say when you're IN school so as to be able to pull off that nice grade point average your parents like to see? When you've been out a while, maybe you get a little lax'd ( <-- that being a perfect example) and take short cuts. However, being a former ESL student, to communicate w/ some clarity despite spelling I'd think should be the minimum end goal of anyone going thru school. This could just be my psychosis...I don't know.
Pau11y said:
Here's an observation. You can really tell who's in school and who's not. The funny thing is shouldn't you have a better grip on how and what you're trying to say when you're IN school so as to be able to pull off that nice grade point average your parents like to see? When you've been out a while, maybe you get a little lax'd ( <-- that being a perfect example) and take short cuts. However, being a former ESL student, to communicate w/ some clarity despite spelling I'd think should be the minimum end goal of anyone going thru school. This could just be my psychosis...I don't know.
Learn to read;
I am NOT an ESL student :mumble:
Just because of one messed up sentance that you need to be an idiot to not understand dosent mean that I can't comunicate. That sentance was scarcasm you are all idiots.
Im just bitchin because I don't feel good and can't think claerly. :mumble: