i need to create a property file which will have changes to an applications functionality (re-deployment will be tight-looped & don't have time for proper code changes).
what i'd like to do is have similar properties, which are made unique by a sequence number, or suffix.
then changes to the top-level application would include changing a GUI properties file (or config b/c it's another language altogether), and then my properties file would be read in kind to associate the proper black box code (indicated by APPLICATION#).
i want to keep this as flexible as possible, so anyone could enter out-of-sequence values & it would not break, so i'd like the suffix to be treated as a wild-card, so i can build my vector of <name>, <address>, <phone>, <app>.
any ideas or alternative approaches? only rule is that changes must only be made to property file, not code.
what i'd like to do is have similar properties, which are made unique by a sequence number, or suffix.
NAME1 = george
ADDRESS1 = "1600 penn ave"
PHONE1 = 202-456-1414
APPLICATION1 = foo1.sh
NAME2 = gordon
ADDRESS2 = "10 downing st"
PHONE2 = 01-233-34-34
APPLICATION2 = foo2.sh
NAME3 = muffinMan
ADDRESS3 = "drury lane"
PHONE3 = 703-256-8000
APPLICATION3 = foo3.sh
i want to keep this as flexible as possible, so anyone could enter out-of-sequence values & it would not break, so i'd like the suffix to be treated as a wild-card, so i can build my vector of <name>, <address>, <phone>, <app>.
any ideas or alternative approaches? only rule is that changes must only be made to property file, not code.