
Real trails have trees, moss, vines and berms


Turbo Monkey
Nov 8, 2001
Rumson, NJ
A couple quick trail shots from this past weekend. Nothing crazy and it's hard to shot pics at our place due to the amount of trees and leaves. Fun to ride it tho.

John popping off the 2nd set in the Mains

Sean coming around the 2nd berm in the Gundams

Chris, flatty, last set in the Mains

Me, 3rd set in the Mains, more importantly is the berm in the back of the shot.

Chris, table, last set Mains.

Right after you hit the landing in this set, you carve that berm in the lower right hand corner of the pic. That feeds right into another berm that carves left, then you hit a small transfer that dumps you into the Warmups. That section still has some bugs but it's real close to working.

Cru Jones

Turbo Monkey
Sep 2, 2006
Hell Track
Nice!! Reminds me of some trails we had back in the midwest. I've been feening some trails in da trees. Everything out here is just baking in the sun.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2004
trails look great. i was just looking at that update on defconfour site the other day. berms are looking sweet. check out BF on defgrip, he explains were trails are :biggrin:

Cru Jones

Turbo Monkey
Sep 2, 2006
Hell Track
check out BF on defgrip, he explains were trails are :biggrin:
Haha. From what I've seen, he's right for the most part. Trails in the east, dirt jumps in the west. Although, there are some exceptions. The midwest seems to be more trails style, as well.

And Sheep has made a little come back compared to what it was a few years ago. But, it's definitely not even close to what it was in the 90s.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 8, 2001
Rumson, NJ
Thanks for the props everyone. This is getting me motivated to take some more pics of our guys riding so I'll try to take the camera w/ me to the trails on the weekends now. There's some good talent and decent trails - just need to get some shots.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 8, 2001
Rumson, NJ
trails look great. i was just looking at that update on defconfour site the other day. berms are looking sweet. check out BF on defgrip, he explains were trails are :biggrin:
That bowl/berm thing you guys have was definitely some motivation. Reading BF's interview right now - thanks for the heads up.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 8, 2001
Rumson, NJ
A couple more from this past weekend...

Mike, euro/trail style

Me, first berm out of the Mains

John, Style Cat (he got a new Standard recently) on the Warmups

Mike, table on the Mains


Aug 17, 2006
Wow, now that's a BERM!! I didn't realize the size of that baby from the other pics. All take note, that's how a berm should be built. Nice stuff!


Turbo Monkey
Nov 8, 2001
Rumson, NJ
Wow, now that's a BERM!! I didn't realize the size of that baby from the other pics. All take note, that's how a berm should be built. Nice stuff!
Thanks. That's Mike's handi-work. It's a masterpiece. I'm 6', riding a USB, to give you an idea of the size. It also feeds right into another berm going the other way. Fun is an understatement.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 8, 2001
Rumson, NJ
thanks for sharing. That berm matches what you were describing to me this spring...sick.
Funny you brought this thread up, Mike wasn't 100% with the berm as is, so last week he added a bunch of dirt to the end of it and center was getting redone (right where I am in my pic). He wants it to be more of like a corner of a bowl (flat/curve/flat) not like a teacup(just curve). It looked and rode sick before he started changing it up - I can only imagine what it will be like afterwards.