
Really random thought of the day


Mar 17, 2002
So, after 25 years of not knowing how old my dad was, my mom finally tells me when she called this morning. He's 60

I was so pissed. For me, not knowing how old my dad was kept him ageless. Now I have a hard number, and it sucks. Every year from now on I'm going to go "Well, now he's 61", "Now he's 62"

Dammit mom. At least I don't know how old she is. But now that I know how old my dad is, I have a frame of refererance for her age. Blast!

Sorry, just a really random thought.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
How can you not know how old your parents are?

I mock mine all the time... Ha ha! Your 54! Hey dad... HEY DAD! Check your hearing aid! :D


Mar 17, 2002
Ciaran said:
How can you not know how old your parents are?

I mock mine all the time... Ha ha! Your 54! Hey dad... HEY DAD! Check your hearing aid! :D
I never asked, and they never told me. I have a great relatioinship with my parents, and we talk all the time, and yet I don't know much about them.

Like, I'm not entirely clear on where my dad grew up, it was in either Taiwan or China.

I don't know how he and my mom met.

I could ask them, but I was never really interested. That sounds terrible.

However, I do know that in the 70's one of my dad's first jobs here in the states was working at a Roy Rogers fast food joint. He made like a buck an hour or something.

When he told me, I asked him what he did there, and he said: "Nothing much, I just cut beef all day". hahahahahaha. I laughed so hard when he said that. I still laugh at it. hahahaha "Cut Beef"..hahahahahaha.