
Recent events report

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
Alright guys here is the full story on me as of late.

For the past few months my girlfriend has had a pretty bad case of Mono and somehow ended up with a Staph infection along the way. I have been devoting a lot of my free time to be with her.

Recently (just under 2 weeks ago) I noticed a really painful spot on my knee after a bike ride. Through the next week it got worse, I thought it was just an ingrown hair or something. Then I ended up going to the doctor and he let me know that it was a Staph infection. GREAT. At this point it just hurt a lot, but I could still walk fine and whatnot. So I went back to work after I went to the doctors. As soon as I made it back to work, my leg started swelling like no other; I started to get worried because I could hardly even walk. To give you guys a reference on pain, almost about this time last year I broke my ankle (see photo below):

This hurt more than breaking my ankle (Stage 5 ligament tears, dislocated, fractured bone, etc.) I started getting the chills and developing a fever.

I went to the hospital. They gave me an I.V. of hardcore antibiotics and started taking my blood like crazy. After all of the poking, I though I was done. Boy was I wrong. They had a knee specialist come in and try and remove fluid from my knee with a rather large gauge needle. I have no problem with needles, but this thing was HUGE. After digging around in my knee for about a minute, he found nothing. He didn’t take the needle out; he just moved it around the inside of my knee. If you have ever seen video of liposuction, it looked similar to that. Here I am after that:

After that, I insisted on some pain medication. I then found out I “Have a high tolerance to narcotics” so they gave me morphine in I.V. form as well as a pill. Here I am after that:

After being in the ER for 7 hours, they decided they were going to admit me. Here is my leg after they moved me into the room - swollen from hip to ankle:

My brother visited and brought me some room decoration:

Some more room photos (I was also quarantined because the strand of Staph I had was MRSA witch is an extremely resistant strand to almost all antibiotics.)

This was on the outside of my room:

Long story short, I spent 4 days in the hospital on gnarly pain killers and antibiotics. All of this the weekend/week before my 21st birthday. Once I finally make it out of the hospital, they give me some crazy antibiotics in pill form that make it so I cannot have the following: Chocolate, Cheese, Soy Sauce, Beer on tap, or anything else that has been fermented.

Needless to say, it has been a tough week. They told me to stay home from work for this whole last week. Good you would think, but not really. I don’t have an internet connection at home because I’m so far up in the hills so I spent a lot of time watching TV and playing video games. Beat the game Black in 2 days. And developed a pretty good hatred of TV. I also used up all of my paid sick days. ****.

So this weekend I finally get to have my birthday keggar. I’m excited. =] Just thought I would share my story


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Dude that sucks. What the hell have you and the GF been getting into to find that staph?

I got the same knee drain treatment after unintentionally doing a wall ride up the side of a barn on a YZ250.

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
We think the Staph came from her brother who was visiting from Hawaii. He got one while he was there I guess. But I got the worse case of it by far.


Did you get diseased from borrowing skaredsh*thead's shorts???


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
That MRSA stuff is nasty. I saw some 60 minutes type show about this football player that skined his knee during practice, got it, and by the time they figured out what it was it was too late and he up and died. It's kind of a superbug. Consider yourself lucky man. Get well soon!

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
Thanks guys! Yeah it’s getting better slowly. It still swells a bit near the joint if I am on my foot for a short time. But hopefully it’s out of me. They say once you have it once, you are more susceptible to get it again - which sucks, bit hopefully I will get lucky and be done with it for good.


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
You're a very lucky guy.......we just lost a family friend two days ago to the exact thing, my man. He had a spot on the back of his hand that was cracked from dry skin. That spot wouldn't heal for several days. It started to turn black and was swollen up badly. After two days, they had to amputate his arm below the elbow. His kidneys began to shut down and he was put into an induced coma. 48 hours later, they had to take the rest of the arm up to the shoulder. Things got worse from there as his liver functions shut down completely and he passed away 24 hours after that. Basically a week after admission he was dead......tragic and hard to understand. This is some bad stuff, folks. I'm super-glad you came out of it in good shape.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 1, 2002
Phoenix, Az USA
I hope you are out of the woods. Please take it easy. Don't rush to get back to life as normal cause Staph does not play. It will kill you.

One part of my long, staph story was spending 6 weeks in bed with a Vancomycin drip. This crap was like one notch down from antibacterial chemotherapy. The 12" long IV entered my arm pit and ended in a large artery behind my breast bone. Staph does not mess around. Thankfully, the infection did not enter my heel bone and i kept my foot.

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
Sorry to hear about your family friend.

Damn Jimmy, that’s pretty rough. Thankfully I caught mine pretty quickly right when things were starting to get bad. Yesterday was my last day of antibiotics. I have a check up this Thursday with the doctor to make sure things are going smoothly.

This stuff does not mess around for sure. I was VERY lucky it didn’t make it into my joint on my knee - or else I would have been in some serious trouble.


I just read this again, and I am super glad you are healing. It is scary stuff. I don't guess I fully understand how you get staph, but I am lucky to not have had a serious infection before. I used to get cut and poked on accident with needles quite a lot when I cowboyed.