
Recommend me a trailer...

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle

Aight, so my little girl is getting old enough to sit still for a bit and I want to be able to ride more in the summer this year. Thusly, I need a trailer for my road steed.

- Don't really mind about weight (I can stand to lose the weight myself)
- Gotta be pretty easy to put on and take off (it'll be going on my daily commuter on the weekends...)
- And has to be pretty roomy inside (cause if she's like me, she's gonna get big...fast...and I want this thing to have longevity)

Recommend me a good one. I'd like to stay under tree fiddy (new)...but if I can find a used one in my area...great.

Personal experience is best, but I'll take tertiary knowledge if need be.



The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Burley Solo is the only way to go. Not too wide for trails, not to heavy, portable and built well. I had the disc brake adapter (skewer replacement) on my bike and the standard frame mount on the wifes. It was a single pin to swap between them and worked awesome.


Mar 14, 2005
I am currently waiting for the chariot CTS Cougar to arrive, apparently this is there top selling trailer. I went with the double mostly because I plan on having another child and I got the jogger wheel as well so that if we do have another i can always use it a a reg stroller


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Chariot Cougar is the only way to go in my opinion... A bit pricey but around here, you could sell them use for almost the price of a new one....
Burley is an Oregon based company, I paid $275 for my solo and sold it on ebay for $250 5 years later. I've never seen the Chariot's, but Burley is the standard issue around here.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Burley Solo is the only way to go. Not too wide for trails, not to heavy, portable and built well. I had the disc brake adapter (skewer replacement) on my bike and the standard frame mount on the wifes. It was a single pin to swap between them and worked awesome.
:stupid: My daughter loves ours and she's always been rather tall for her age (in the 95%+) which I can't figure out since I'm only 5'4". Anyway, very easy to use, affordable and a quality product.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
We looked at the chariot trailers too but for the price difference, we opted for the burley and have never second-guessed our decision. We have the solo and my daughter just turned 3 in February. We've used it a lot and it's still in mint condition.

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
Heh...dunno if I want my wife running around with a "Cougar" moniker being displayed...some of those spandex wearing jag-offs that litter the MUP by our house might get the wrong impression...:busted::busted::twitch:

Thanks for the input, monkey's!!!