


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
heard about this on NPR yesterday. wild.


Welcome to the home of the fascinating True Mirror®, one of the most interesting and unique items you will ever see - a mirror that reflects you as others see you!
Simple idea - take two mirrors and place them at right angles - yet profound in the implications it has for our sense of self and our self-image. First patented in 1887, the idea of a true image mirror still was never seen as more than a curiosity until a surprising effect was discovered by founder John Walter. What he saw was recognition - the person in the mirror looked and felt right, and matched his sense of what others were seeing. In contrast, the flat, traditional mirror felt false and conveyed a host of inner thoughts that were in direct contrast to the way he was feeling. in other words, his real self was present in the true image.