
Refugee Thread


Jan 4, 2013
Bu.but..., but It's in their own thread?!?! hmm.... :tinfoil: (screaming "NO FAIR" as I stomp away)
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Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Careful Sodak:

The following represents a list of topics and content, which are prohibited on Ridemonkey.com, and will result in post/thread deletion, and further action depending on the severity of the post:

Illegal Activities

1. Illegal trading of copyrighted software, music or games
2. Underaged drinking
3. Hacking/cracking content
4. Illicit drugs and drug paraphernalia
5. Pornography, adult, or mature content
6. Copyrighted content
7. Any other content that promotes illegal activity or infringes on the legal rights of others
Treatment of other members, and Ridemonkey.com moderators/administration
8. Excessive profanity, or the use of racial slurs
9. Violence, racial intolerance, or advocating violence, or intolerance against any individual, group, or organization
10. Flaming (posting messages that are deliberately hostile and insulting) Further Definition

Bu.but..., but It's in their own thread?!?! hmm.... :tinfoil: (screaming "NO FAIR" as I stomp away)
Some things are template from the site owners. Reason is used when judging.

What happened?
You guys. Crab Joe is the resident asshole, just an fyi.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
"Some things are template from the site owners. Reason is used when judging."

^--Sounds very, very similar to where we come from...
We're pretty liberal about things, but you have to use common sense. I think with the exception of SS, nobody here goes over to MTBR anymore, because there doesn't seem to be any commonsense. It's the same reason that PB folks don't last very long over here.

Again, be an adult and you will be treated like one. Be a child, and we'll beat you like a red-headed step-child in the 1950's.


Jan 4, 2013
Don't sleep on MTBR.. There is lots of good stuff over there. You may have to scratch a bit, but you'd be surprised of the amount of good people, info, & knowledge you'll find if you look for it. Best part is, if you get tired of the dry stuff, there is alot of humor too.
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Jan 4, 2013
We're pretty liberal about things, but... Be a child, and we'll beat you like a red-headed step-child in the 1950's.
Appears that our joining RM to create a thread may have ruffled a few feathers, and that the barnyard cock has been kind enough to give us the lay of the land. For that I'm appreciative. Yet we must learn firsthand just what those boundaries are.

Our native OC land is far less structured. Never would I open it on an office computer, so to me, NSFW seems foreign, as does separating non-bike related .gif, video, and photo files. Do not understand why all lounge related (non-bike) material cannot be contained within the same thread. If I'm mis-reading stoney's input, and this not the case, then I apologize in advance. If not, here's a peace offering before you open the ceremonial can of whoop azz..


Ride Monzie

Jan 4, 2013
Don't discount us because our humor seems immature. On the surface it is, I'll not argue that. But if you have the wherewithal to see the genius in our childishness then you too are of the intelligentsia of which we are devoted. While our humor seems infantile, it's a slapstick with a message. We like to have fun, same as you all I'm sure, we just prefer to cast aside the shackles of "adulthood" after work. That does not however diminish our maturity level.


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
Ok I have to ask.
Mainly because I'm just too lazy to go to your other website to look but any way......

What happened to cause the sudden exodus to RM???
did the thrill of vaginal sand enema's wear off or what?


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
"oh freddled gruntbuggly/thy micturations are to me/as plurdled gabbleblotchits on a lurgid bee.
Groop i implore thee, my foonting turlingdromes. And hooptiously drangle me with crinkly bindlewurdles,
or i will rend thee in the gobberwarts with my blurglecruncheon, see if i don't!"
ftfy ;)

Ride Monzie

Jan 4, 2013
Ok I have to ask.
Mainly because I'm just too lazy to go to your other website to look but any way......

What happened to cause the sudden exodus to RM???
did the thrill of vaginal sand enema's wear off or what?
Vaginal sand enemas aside (if y'all wanna do the grammar thing, there's no apostrophe needed in "enemas" as it's plural, not possessive ;)), we long ago had a fun and clever OC (Off Camber (Off Topic)) that we had fought very hard to get. It was going well and we essentially policed ourselves with little mod interference though they would get involved from time to time if the need arose.

Sometime around late fall there was an influx of idiotic newbs. They would troll and back-bite to extreme proportions. Whether or not it was on purpose was anyone's guess. Lately it has been happening with much more gusto and veracity all stemming from our moronically devised and ill advised rep system.

A member in great standing took it upon himself to rid the front page of all the terrible butt-hurt that was the backlash of rep going from anonymity to knowledge in order to cleanse our home of idiocy and restore it to its former self.

We all got tired of the lack of and general disregard for our (the OC regulars) input as for how to fix it so we staged a "walk out" if you will. A bunch of us went to PB to organize and try to find a way to make an impact on the Suck Site that would ripple and change everything for the good. We also were hoping for some interaction from the locals. That failed to materialize.

So we opted to try and convene here as a way to set up shop and have a new home should we need it. You all bit and have played well. A lot of us are extremely fed up with the way we have been treated over at SH!TBR and were making these exploratory excursions in the event we all decided to completely abandon that sh*thole all together.

There's a ****load more to it but this is the general idea. Please let me know if you want elaboration as I can and will do it. I will also not be above citing specific threads/posts if you want examples. That may take a day or two however.

Sorry we came on so strong but it's a lot of us and so we bring the heat with our humor because--while we respect you all and quite like it here--we brought our history and jokes and you all are not privy to them so it makes us seem disrespectful. I apologise for that. Give us a while and in due time I'm sure once the new neighbor and growing pain wrinkles iron out, we shall all be in good standing with the RM curmudgeons.
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Sep 23, 2012
Franklin, TN
Well, if you can believe it, all the things that made MTBR the pit of other forums' jokes, got worse. Like Monzie said, we were just looking for a place to interact with people who didn't dissect jokes or look down their noses at anything less than an S-Works.

All the guys here ride a lot - mostly XC. We ride/race expensive bikes, but welcome noobs on Walgoose specials. I've lurked here for years, but didn't find a fit because it's mostly DH and trail stuff and where I live, it's all XC. I'd probably prefer DH and trail if my geography permitted, but, oh, well. We all really enjoy helping beginners too. I noticed you didn't get much traffic there, so, I posted some of my content that gets a lot of views and response hoping it would liven that section up a bit.

Looks like there's more Lounge talk than anything - probably because there's a lot of good content supplied by the Bike editorial staff. I enjoy the magazine tremendously and also enjoy the Webmonkey content. I've also thoroughly enjoyed the interaction with you Monkies.

Let's see if this sticks. If nothing, I'll probably wind up a dual citizen.


Jan 7, 2013
Sydney Australia
Fancy seeing you muppets here.....

This place looks like its childish enough that i might just fit in.

And wheres the Aussie section in this place? no forum is a forum without a home for the folks from down under, not that id ever post in it, i just like feeling included.


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
Fancy seeing you muppets here.....

This place looks like its childish enough that i might just fit in.

And wheres the Aussie section in this place? no forum is a forum without a home for the folks from down under, not that id ever post in it, i just like feeling included.
Oh there's a few around here but usually they just sit quietly in a corner playing with each others Didgeridoo's so you don't hear too much from them.


Jan 4, 2013
I got started on MTBR a few years ago as I got into Downhill. Mtbr seemed to be the main biking forum, so that was a natural first choice for me. The forum started out pretty great (lots of support, good comments, educated responses) but over time it went downhill. Now there's tons of little kids on there trolling and making fun of people, and not being helpful.

As the DH forum went downhill (no pun intended) I felt the need to spend my time of Mtbr differently, and ventured off into the recycle bin (where OC was before the OC forum was made). It was tons of good fun, and good guys. I don't post there much, but enjoy it all a lot. When a walk out was proposed I was on board. After lurking in the RM DH forum a bit, it's pretty sick. Tons of good stuff, and good guys in there too. Even if this MTBR situation gets resolved, Id like to stay over here, because the people here are nicer, more helpful, and all around better.
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Jan 7, 2013
Sydney Australia
Oh there's a few around here but usually they just sit quietly in a corner playing with each others Didgeridoo's so you don't hear too much from them.
I Love to blow other guys didgeridoos, as long as the spit from the previous user is cleaned off, it can get a bit messy other wise, cheers


Jul 11, 2008
And wheres the Aussie section in this place? no forum is a forum without a home for the folks from down under, not that id ever post in it, i just like feeling included.
Its like being in Whistler or London, you don't have to lift too many rocks before one crawls out.


Jan 4, 2013
Oh please...this applies to 98.7% of Monkeys. You arent special around here...
Thanks for the warm welcome.
By paraphrasing the above ^ Monie's intent was altered from a request for intel, and he took time to explain both why & how we came to your site. We create a thread in the correct forum to carry-on, respect rules, and it's senior members.

Nobody expects special treatment, yet neither will we be beaten as an unwanted stepchild. Never wise to threaten one before knowing their capabilities. Mine are limited, so in return can only offer this clip to help relieve that annoying post-holiday bloat.

Must watch again, think her tramp stamp read "JohnE eats here". :D
Jan 4, 2013
monkeys, it is good to have a place to come that seems to have some level of maturity and experience to it. thanks for welcoming us.


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
Fancy seeing you muppets here.....

This place looks like its childish enough that i might just fit in.

And wheres the Aussie section in this place? no forum is a forum without a home for the folks from down under, not that id ever post in it, i just like feeling included.
So Tone's, are you brave enough to investigate the local lair of 29ers to see what levels on insanity we may encounter here?