
Refugee Thread

Trail Ninja

Jan 4, 2013
Vancouver Island
I just read this whole thing! Wow!
Wish i had a job where i could hang out here more!
Welcome noobs.
mtbr does suck...it didn't use to. I learned a lot there years ago and enjoyed reading several different forums. I like how the trail building forum was added here.
All I had to do was ask and BOOM, there was a trail building forum. I like this site.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
That is the scar from a neck dissection. The final (and successful) treatment for Stage 4 Metastatic Squamous Cell Carcinoma (cancer). The statistics say there is a 15% survival rate for the cancer I had. I was fortunate enough to be in that 15%. Over the past year I went through all the rest of the cancer crap, Chemo, radiation and finally the surgery. Except for being 60lbs lighter and a lot weaker than I was a year ago, I'm doing just fine.

It cost me a wife, a house and all the other "stuff" that people work so hard for, but I count that as a good thing. I don't own anything, I don't owe anything, I have no job, no money, no possesions (except my bike & some trail building tools) no commitments, no responsibilities, no worries. I can go anywhere I want and do anything I want. I've never been happier.


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
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Ride Monzie

Jan 4, 2013
That don't fly with Flickr. I have to save image to my computer then use the attach image icon and when I put an image in there it's says "Uh uh dude, that ****'s all kinds of too big" or something to that effect.

Ride Monzie

Jan 4, 2013
It's not working. This is what I have (minus asterisks):

[img*]http://www.flickr.com/photos/dirtgrub/8366604698/" title="IMG_1361 by Dirtgrub, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8196/8366604698_5aa326c91e.jpg[/img*]

It gives the broken link thing. Am I a pain in the ass yet? Good.


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
besides the older dude with the neck scar (who is gnarlier than a clint eastwood before talking to chairs and chuck norris hybrid proto-clone).... the first few pages had me all warm an fuzzy inside, in a volleyball scene in top gun, kinda way....


Turbo Monkey
Feb 16, 2004
What do I do if it says image too large? It's 2.47mb. You'll learn pretty quickly I am computer illiterate and running on the same mental capacity as a mentally deficient lobotomized money.
The forum will automatically display a resized version. If you click that one in the post it opens the original in a new tab.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 16, 2004
What do I do if it says image too large? It's 2.47mb. You'll learn pretty quickly I am computer illiterate and running on the same mental capacity as a mentally deficient lobotomized money.
The forum will automatically display a resized version. If you click that one in the post it opens the original in a new tab.
That is the scar from a neck dissection. The final (and successful) treatment for Stage 4 Metastatic Squamous Cell Carcinoma (cancer). The statistics say there is a 15% survival rate for the cancer I had. I was fortunate enough to be in that 15%. Over the past year I went through all the rest of the cancer crap, Chemo, radiation and finally the surgery. Except for being 60lbs lighter and a lot weaker than I was a year ago, I'm doing just fine.

It cost me a wife, a house and all the other "stuff" that people work so hard for, but I count that as a good thing. I don't own anything, I don't owe anything, I have no job, no money, no possesions (except my bike & some trail building tools) no commitments, no responsibilities, no worries. I can go anywhere I want and do anything I want. I've never been happier.
Can't give you any more rep at this moment, but wish I could. Keep on keeping on!


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
What do I do if it says image too large? It's 2.47mb. You'll learn pretty quickly I am computer illiterate and running on the same mental capacity as a mentally deficient lobotomized money.
The forum will automatically display a resized version. If you click that one in the post it opens the original in a new tab.
what he said. its autoresize

and for the pic URL, all you want is the actual URL link, none of the extra markups. Basically, its the link you would type into the address bar of your browser.


triple nubby
Jan 7, 2011
hopkinton ma
You can read?
yes, the system worked!!!!!! ok well i can read a little.
No, you probably shouldn't read it. Just start adding posts that could potentially repeat everything we already said. That would seem about right :)
seems like a legit choice

This reminds me of an important point for the noobs. You get sympathy points on the Monkey if you lop off a few of your digits.
yes join me cut your fingers off, i want friends.

we used some big words early on, so you might want to skip it.
wait wait wait you are entirely to new here to be making fun of my special antics.
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Ride Monzie

Jan 4, 2013
How about your special grammar? Can we make fun of that? Because it's terrible.

What's the deal with thread subscriptions? Do I have to manually subscribe to everything I post in or is there a way to auto subscribe?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
What's the deal with thread subscriptions? Do I have to manually subscribe to everything I post in or is there a way to auto subscribe?
The default is to not subscribe you, but if you go into Settings > General Settings, there's a drop down for thread subscriptions. You can choose to not subscribe, manually add subscriptions through the control panel, or auto-subscribe with some different notification intervals.

Also, it's never too early to start harassing insanitylevel9, pinkshirtphotos, or TheMontashu.

Ride Monzie

Jan 4, 2013
Haha, I've been lurking in some threads and yeah, PSP and Montashu are a special breed of stupid. IL9 seems legit just kinda aloof.

Border fences don't work. Not sure if you noticed but we got a ninja with us. And this one has all of his mental faculties. And I'm pretty good at B&E.