
Remember the "heroic" double amputee that climbed everest?


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
Apperantly they ignored a dying climber in order to make their ascent. So hooray for the legless dude who thought climbing a mountin was more important than another climbers life. :rolleyes:

How many of us if we were out on a ride and came across a dying person, would just ride on?

Everest death climb outcry
Peter Williams and Emily Power

EVEREST conqueror Sir Edmund Hillary has denounced fellow Kiwi climbers for leaving an Englishman to die alone just below the summit.

Double amputee Mark Inglis, who reached the roof of the world on prosthetic legs this month, said his group climbed on, deciding they could do nothing to save stricken engineer David Sharp.

Sharp, 34, died about 300m below the summit after running out of oxygen while descending from a solo climb.


Don't mess with the Santas
Apr 16, 2002
Napavine, Warshington
I read about this today too. The dead guy's wife isn't upset at any of nearly 40 climbers that passed him by. All part of the deal it seems. Cruel sport.


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
A lot goes on up there. We don't know the whole story.

"deciding they could do nothing to save stricken engineer David Sharp."

I've spent a lot of time with climbers and alpinists... NONE of them would leave a person they could help, and ALL of them would leave a person they couldn't if it would endanger them or their party. Those are the rules and everyone that does this kind of **** accepts that.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Tenchiro said:
Apperantly they ignored a dying climber in order to make their ascent. So hooray for the legless dude who thought climbing a mountin was more important than another climbers life. :rolleyes:

How many of us if we were out on a ride and came across a dying person, would just ride on?
Someone in my office knows the Guy and apparantly the English dude was totally fvcked already. It's not like Everest is a beach resort or your local trail. Trying to stay alive yourself is enough of a problem. You enter that sort of environment, you know the risks.


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
ohio said:
A lot goes on up there. We don't know the whole story.

"deciding they could do nothing to save stricken engineer David Sharp."

I've spent a lot of time with climbers and alpinists... NONE of them would leave a person they could help, and ALL of them would leave a person they couldn't if it would endanger them or their party. Those are the rules and everyone that does this kind of **** accepts that.
While I do agree that clmbing mountains is a dangerous business. When I hear "deciding they could do nothing to save stricken engineer David Sharp" I think they left out "and still make a successful ascent.".


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
So you want a guy with no legs, whose stumps are frostbitten and ground to mush from friction with his prosthetics to stop in his once in a lifetime chance to sumit Everest to carry a dead guy off the mountain?

Inglis is having even more of his legs amputated after the climb because of the damage that was done to them, along with a few fingers he lost because of his already poor circulation.

The fact is there was no saving Sharp.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
With the amount of professionals who have died up there, it's no big surprise that people keep dropping like flies.

If they passed him on the way up, and the guy had no gloves, I'm assuming he had already spent the night exposed. You have a better chance of making it if you're retarded in Texas strapped into the chair with Bush making the clemency decision than you do in that situation, from what I've read.


7034 miles, still no custom title
Jan 6, 2003
Shadows of Mt Boney, CA.
I'm with ohio on this one, I'd be hesitant to pass judgement without knowing the details. The conditions up there were ridiculous (100 degrees below zero at 28K feet). However, I do find it a bit disturbing that so many people passed him by on the way UP the mountain. That seems a bit selfish without knowing the rest of the story.


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
It isn't just his team, but the other teams that were reported to have passed him before Inglis got there without so much as stopping to ask how he was.

Someone could have saved his life.

The Amish

Dumber than N8
Feb 22, 2005
You guys are all such bleeding hearts. The guy did somethin dumb and paid the price end of story. People of new orleans built there house's behind a FRENCH built levee and paid the price. Its called accountability for your own actions. If people had it maybe your kids could still play on the swings during reccess


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Tenchiro said:
It isn't just his team, but the other teams that were reported to have passed him before Inglis got there without so much as stopping to ask how he was.

Someone could have saved his life.
:rolleyes: No offence Tench, but you don't seem to have much idea what it's like at the top of a mountain, let alone Everest. This isn't a ski resort we're talking about. Do you really think all those people would have passed him if anything could have been done?


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Changleen said:
Do you really think all those people would have passed him if anything could have been done?
Not all of them, but I wouldn't be surprised if 38 or so strolled on by...

Mind you, that should be a variable you put into the Everest equation (or any guided climb on a big mountain) these days.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Anyone who is dissing them without knowing the whole story should read "Into Thin Air". Climbing Everest is dangerous business, when you go for that summit you better have your affairs in order. Because a LOT of people die up there. Generally by the time you're a couple hundred feet from the summit, it's everything you can do to put one foot in front of the other, let alone make coherent decisions. It's not like there's a trail there to carry someone down either, and those sherpas aren't carrying stretchers or medical equipment. You're either in snow up to your ass, or hoping your crampons stick to the ice face you're trying to hang onto in a blizzard with 80mph winds. You pass countless corpses on your way to the summit... there's a reason for that.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
narlus said:
i think the amputee was still pissed that the dude had parked in the handicapped spot at the base of the mountain.
Attempted approval!


So the double amputee didn't risk his life trying to save a guy who was doomed? What a DICK!!

I'm sure everyone that goes up there knows that when the time comes to hit the summit it's every man for himself. People can barely keep themSELVES alive up there, let alone haul someone off the mountain.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
You even so much as catch a cold in the summit base camp, your number might be up. They can't even get helicopters up there.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Changleen said:
So you want a guy with no legs, whose stumps are frostbitten and ground to mush from friction with his prosthetics to stop in his once in a lifetime chance to sumit Everest to carry a dead guy off the mountain?

Inglis is having even more of his legs amputated after the climb because of the damage that was done to them, along with a few fingers he lost because of his already poor circulation.

The fact is there was no saving Sharp.
Keep in mind, the person who started this criticism is only the father of all Everest ascents.

Obviously, Hillary's criticism is directed to the most famous person this season to make an ascent, and I am sure there were more qualified guides to attempt a rescue ; but it does sound like no one made any attempt, even it is just to haul his body back to base camp. And the camp of public opinion is not going to think highly of a "man left behind".


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
sanjuro said:
but it does sound like no one made any attempt, even it is just to haul his body back to base camp.
Just out of curiosity, how many people who die on Mt. Everest above 25,000 feet do you think get brought back to basecamp?


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
sanjuro said:
but it does sound like no one made any attempt, even it is just to haul his body back to base camp. And the camp of public opinion is not going to think highly of a "man left behind".
I'm sure in -100 degree temps the only thing I'd give a fvck about is hauling my own ass back to camp and drinking cocoa.

Well...that and boobs.

Boobs are awesome.



Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Silver said:
Just out of curiosity, how many people who die on Mt. Everest above 25,000 feet do you think get brought back to basecamp?
How about the ones still alive?


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
sanjuro said:
Keep in mind, the person who started this criticism is only the father of all Everest ascents.
He was the first, but it's not like someone else wouldn't have done it if he didn't.

Maybe he's jealous that his main accomplishment in life, his claim to fame, the feat that sets him above 99.9% of humanity in his mind, has been matched by someone with no legs?


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Echo said:
He was the first, but it's not like someone else wouldn't have done it if he didn't.

Maybe he's jealous that his main accomplishment in life, his claim to fame, the feat that sets him about 99.9% of humanity, has been matched by someone with no legs?
I think a better argument against Hillary is that he is a senile old fool.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Echo said:
He was the first, but it's not like someone else wouldn't have done it if he didn't.

Maybe he's jealous that his main accomplishment in life, his claim to fame, the feat that sets him about 99.9% of humanity, has been matched by someone with no legs?
No, I don't think it's that. Hilary is a bit miffed that wankers can buy their way to the top. So, when one of those wankers dies, Hilary makes a stink about it. He's done it before as well, if I remember correctly.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Silver said:
Just out of curiosity, how many people who die on Mt. Everest above 25,000 feet do you think get brought back to basecamp?
None that I have ever heard of. But my brother would know more about that than I would

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
Let's recap shall we:

1. Dude ran out of oxygen at ~27k.
1a. That's bad.
2. Team of 40 climbers pass by him on the way up...guys not lookin' so hot...
2a. 300 meters from summit....still have a LONG way down to get him under the altitude where that deal where lack of oxygen creates fluid in your lungs (pulmonary adema??? I think...)sets in.
3. I can hear all the bleeding hearts out there, "Why didn't they try to give him their oxygen??"
3a. Because then they both would run out, and you DIE TOO!!!!

You climb a mountain, you take risks. You climb the biggest, baddest mountain, you take the biggest, baddest risks. A bunch of guys, that do this for a living, look at me and say, "Yeah, you're fvcked..." I'm probably fvcked....ain't no stoppin' that at 27,000...


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Secret Squirrel said:
Let's recap shall we:

1. Dude ran out of oxygen at ~27k.
1a. That's bad.
2. Team of 40 climbers pass by him on the way up...guys not lookin' so hot...
2a. 300 meters from summit....still have a LONG way down to get him under the altitude where that deal where lack of oxygen creates fluid in your lungs (pulmonary adema??? I think...)sets in.
3. I can hear all the bleeding hearts out there, "Why didn't they try to give him their oxygen??"
3a. Because then they both would run out, and you DIE TOO!!!!

You climb a mountain, you take risks. You climb the biggest, baddest mountain, you take the biggest, baddest risks. A bunch of guys, that do this for a living, look at me and say, "Yeah, you're fvcked..." I'm probably fvcked....ain't no stoppin' that at 27,000...
Not everyone uses oxygen on the ascent. And some guides do carry a spare tank for others


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
sanjuro said:
Not everyone uses oxygen on the ascent. And some guides do carry a spare tank for others
All the wankers do.

I would love to see some stats that show death rates between oxygen users and non-users. That would be interesting.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 25, 2004
San Diego
Hard to call without knowing the details, but I would think that descending with a stricken climber could lead to more than one demise. Sanjuro, have you read Into Thin Air?


Oct 17, 2002
Echo said:
Anyone who is dissing them without knowing the whole story should read "Into Thin Air".
wait a second, you're making the point that they SHOULD HAVE tried!

Remember the guy who was left for dead at 27,000(?) feet on some ledge? Remember how he stumbled into base camp 4 on his own hours later? Remember how a storm blew in that night, wrecking the camp and the two other guys left him for dead to run down to camp 3 only to have the same guy stumble on in later that day?

Anyone who's alive should be given a chance. The guy died from a lack of oxygen, give him a canister and see how he does.

Did y'all see the IMAX movie? They couldn't get cameras to the top cuz they stopped to give some of their oxygen to a guy. They didn't complete their mission, but they saved a life.

Don't tell me not to try to save someone's life!

That said, he tried to climb solo one of the hardest peaks on the planet? Fvck 'im.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
yeah uhhh dragging a dead guy down the hillary step seems like a real good idea.

seriously though. almos tdead could mean that the guy was i nthe last moments of hypothermia or oxygen deprivation up there basically lying there motionless. as well all the layers he had on and lack of oxygen probably made it difficult for anyone to tell if he was even breathing. stopping that close to the top is not an option and taking your gloves off to check the pulse would be not such a good idea. Its not like the guy was hangin out going" hey uhh can i get a ride back down from one of you guys?" not to mention either that the guy was climbing solo so he knew what he was getting himself into to begin with.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
also one should take into account that most deaths occur on large peaks on the way back down. when summiting most climbers have been going strong for 16-24 hours climbing all day with as little food and water as possible. on the way back down they are delerious and cant even hardly talk or walk much less hang out to check on the motionless iced over guy that tried to climb it by himself.