
Remember those fun things you did as a kid...


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Making home made M-80's out of the gun powder from many piccolo petes, and medecine bottles

Mailbox baseball, and m-80's in the mailboxes. Did those too.

being pulled on a sketeboard by my friend on his scooter

Grafitti-ing the new industrial parks as they went up

Stealing fixtures from the new houses. We stole an elevator motor once from a half built mansion. We had no idea what to do with it.

Drugs. Lot's of drugs.

My cousin and I and some friends once got our uncle to build us a BMX track in the big field next to his house. He used his Bobcat to build it. We gave him beer from our respective dad's refrigerators. Damn fun!


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I Are Baboon said:
We would also have "karate" fights. Whoever made the other guy bleed first would win.
We played bloody knuckles. My hands would swell up like two giant blueberries.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Ciaran said:
Grafitti-ing the new industrial parks as they went up
Along the same lines, we'd visit construction sights at night, find huge stacks of cinder blocks, and push them over just to see them smash into a cloud of smoke.

I can't imagine that helped keep their construction costs down. :help:


stosh said:
I wasn't bragging. He asked and I replied. He didn't even use questions marks so I felt I had to reply.

Is this where you owned me??? You my friend may have a misinterpretation of the phrase OWNED.


dh girlie said:
so you're used to getting your ass OW3NED...

(no I never forget)

It was last week. It's not like you're a phucking elephant or need to tie a goddamned string on your finger. :sheesh: :eviltongu


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
loco-gringo said:
Is this where you owned me??? You my friend may have a misinterpretation of the phrase OWNED.
You shut up... thus you were owned!


Apr 8, 2004
Flower Mound, Texas
Potatoe launchers were fun, we tried to make a flame thrower, with a pipe, a lighter, and aquanet. My friend lost his eye brows, it was great. We put those huge bottle rockets and put them in tron cycles. That was cool. We also taped them to tonka trucks, and had races. One got stuck under a car before it blew. That made up nervous. Roman candle fights were always fun. We would throw newspapers at cars to get them to chase us. BB gun wars turned into air soft gun wars. It was one of those things where we remembered how much fun it was, bought air soft guns and tried it again. It hurt more than we remembered. When we got our license we would try to push the other into the intersection while the other would be in reverse white smoking the tires. We rigged the wind shield wiper sprayer out the grill, and would spray people. That got a few chases going. We also rigged it up to pump alcohol.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Shot a potato through Joey Chapman's trailer at about 4 a.m. It went through both walls and out through their back yard. We sped off quickly.

Destroyed peoples christmas decorations with golf clubs.

Killed many animals with many guns and ate them.

Took off for days at a time with nothing but a sleeping bag, fishing pole and a .22 to live off the wilderness without telling my parents.

Watched my friend Josh's sister get dressed and undressed a ton. He got mad, that cockblocker.

Crapped, peed and egged (i didnt lay them) the Gilberts' fort down the street.

Crucified small animals and had ceremonies.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
BurlySurly said:
Crucified small animals and had ceremonies.
Wheew! I thought we were the only kids to do this. People used always look at me weird when I'd tell them that and then they'd start slowly walking away. :confused:

Maybe we should start the I used to crucify small animals and had ceremonies when I was a kid support group?

On the same note... This kid at the bus stop wanted to show me and my friend his new parakeet. When he showed up with the parakeet in his hand my friend tripped him so he crushed it. :D
We ran out the door laughing.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
I Are Baboon said:
We would also have "karate" fights. Whoever made the other guy bleed first would win.
LOL! We did this too. Funny stuff.....

Oh man we were evil. Even when we were really young. We would steal anything. Vandalize anything. Fight anyone. We never blew **** up and stuff like that. Just mostly joyriding cars after we would steal beer. We used to go to the suburbs and go to quickie marts and do mass invasions to steal beer then go joyriding. I know it was bad, but it was kind of fun. We would also jack up kids from the burbs that used to come into our nieghborhood to buy weed. Take thier money and not supply the product. Then when they would come back with thier friends we would beat the crap out of them all and steal thier cars too. We would basically just hangout and think of things to do to get some money. Most of those things were evil. We were so poor that our entertainment ideas would generally revolve around crime. Not that that was right. I don't think we ever really hurt anyone but that doesn't make some of the stuff we did right. I feel guilty thinking it was fun. But it kind of was.....jdcamb


Feb 5, 2003
Louisville, KY
We use to fill coffee filters with black pepper, flour, cayenne pepper, salt ect and the tie them closed with string. Then we would sneek around the neighbor hood all camoflaged and ambush other kids throwing the "pepper bombs" in their faces. One of my buddies (who was dirt poor) lived right next to a very rich doctor. The doctor had a huge dog named "duke" that was a trained attack dog. Duke would go nuts if he seen someone with anything looking like a gun. We would take water guns and climb the fence into the doctors yard. Hold out the guns and yell "bang" at the dog. Then try and out run the dog and hop the fence befor he could eat us.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
SkaredShtles said:
:confused: :confused: :confused:

You might want to consider counseling........... :D

Isn't that called jail?? Hey they knew the deal.... It wasn't like some kind of secret what would happen if they came back.... The East Side of Buffalo was a pretty tough place even back then. Freekin' war zone now.....


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
This guy I work with is from Buffalo, he makes it sound like a 3rd world country. What's up with that?


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
DVNT said:
This guy I work with is from Buffalo, he makes it sound like a 3rd world country. What's up with that?
Dude it is. I don't even like to go there anymore. It is a very poor city in a severe fiscal crisis. No jobs, lots of crime and drugs, kind of like Mexico with a winter. My old nieghborhood/street doesn't even exist anymore. I mean like all the houses on it are gone. My uncles house has so many bullet holes in it he stopped fixing them (he lives on a corner in a bad drug nieghborhood). He literally lives in a armed encampment with his dogs. We ask him why he doesn't move?? He thinks if he moves that the bad guys will have won?? When I was living there the city had a half a million folks living there. Now they have 325K. And that is in like just 20 years. Virtually whole sections of the city are abandoned. Nobody sane lives there anymore. Just a desperate place with lots of desperate folks livivg there. It was never a nice place to qualify though.....jdcamb


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
we use to play ultimate camo...

My cousin and I would get as camoflaged out as possible and sneak into the forested areas in the land surrounding one of the many few houses that were in the back country of Coweta, Oklahoma...

we would get as close as possible to the houses and then throw small pebbles at the windows until we got the attention of the owners who would then come out of the house all stupified and not able to see us.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
DVNT said:
Wheew! I thought we were the only kids to do this. People used always look at me weird when I'd tell them that and then they'd start slowly walking away. :confused:

Maybe we should start the I used to crucify small animals and had ceremonies when I was a kid support group?

On the same note... This kid at the bus stop wanted to show me and my friend his new parakeet. When he showed up with the parakeet in his hand my friend tripped him so he crushed it. :D
We ran out the door laughing.
I think you all need :help: .

It's one thing to go hunting and eat what you kill as humanely as possible; quite another to draw sadistic jollies from the wickedness that prologues the march towards serial killing. Lord knows I did many of the destructive things as a youth that others have posted here(and many more that shall remain secret until the statute of limitations runs out), but killing living things for kicks was never on the agenda. :confused:

Here are some other favorites that are postable:
* Compressed air blowguns that shot real darts; we were never able to put together the recipe for cureare, though
* Concealing piles of dogshe-it with fallen leaves and tricking others into stepping in it
* Padded nunchuck wars
* Pyromania to levels that still make me shake my head in disbelief
* Shooting guns at anything you can imagine would look cool blowing up: fruit, compressed gasses and liquids, balloons, cheap remote-controlled vehicles, glass vessels filled with dyed water, light bulbs, fire extinguishers, etc.
* Panty raids
* Pre-mooning 1st floor office windows w/shades drawn, then knocking on them to alert oblivious occupants
* Exhaling bonghits through a sports bottle straw into cop cars, under dormroom doors, into balloons that would be released into offices, into library study carrolls, etc.
* Playing Johnny Appleseed...but not with apple seeds
* Stealing buddies' cars and leaving them in bizarre locations(blocking drive-thrus, in front yards, on jogging paths, etc.) at 2:00am so that they would be woken up by a call from the authorities
* Damming/diverting creeks and streams so effectively that neighboring lands were flooded
* Lighting pepper bombs in public places and making everyone start to sneeze
* Sucking all the NO2 out of whip cream cans in the grocery store and putting it back on the shelf
* Getting drunk daily w/my buds on liquor hidden in the break room at my first "real" job- Roy Rogers
* Making lacrosse-stick catapults that would be used to launce tomatoes and eggs at the unwary, be they on foot or in a vehicle
* Carrying on undercover paintball wars in an urban setting(which would get you killed these days)
* Ambushing high school football games in progress from just off school property with the previously mentioned lacrosse-stick catapult

I'll stop here and save the rest for the next thread like this that gets posted. :D


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
BurlySurly said:
Crucified small animals and had ceremonies.
Alright, NOW you're freaking me out.

Worst I ever did to animals was to burn mice at the stake as a warning to the other mice in the house. They were heretics, we had to. Mouse of Ark will DIE!


Ciaran said:
Alright, NOW you're freaking me out.

Worst I ever did to animals was to burn mice at the stake as a warning to the other mice in the house. Mouse of Ark will DIE!

Yeah you pass the NORMAL test. :rolleyes:


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
We made about 75 punjee (sp?) sticks at the creek we used to hang out at and then caught brim and impaled them on all the sticks.
We stuck em in the sand to mark out territory. Of course is smelled so bad we never went back there again....
There was also this one time when we found a birds nest with eggs in it and smashed the eggs on a sewer cover to watch the bloody pulps fry in the sun.

Also catching frogs and sticking fire crackers in their mouths was regular entertainment.

But I grew up perfectly fine. I swear.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
DVNT said:
We made about 75 punjee (sp?) sticks at the creek we used to hang out at and then caught brim and impaled them on all the sticks.
We stuck em in the sand to mark out territory. Of course is smelled so bad we never went back there again....
There was also this one time when we found a birds nest with eggs in it and smashed the eggs on a sewer cover to watch the bloody pulps fry in the sun.

Also catching frogs and sticking fire crackers in their mouths was regular entertainment.

But I grew up perfectly fine. I swear.
Yup thats why your here right?
Jun 4, 2002
Berryville, VA
My little brother and I used to spend the summers with our Mom in the hollers of West Virgina. Well, we had theses cheap fiberglass bow and arrow deals, maybe a 25 pound pull on them. So after basically shooting at everything around we got the bright idea to send the arrows straight up in the air and see how long we could last standing in one spot before the arrow came down. This smaller kid that lived across the creek used to hang out with us cause we where "city" kids. So the kid is watching us do this dumb sh*t and wants to join in the fun. So we send one up, me and my bro stand there laughing like two half-wits ready to jump at the last second. The kid just stands there like a dear caught in the head lights, we're yelling at him to jump, the arrow lands maybe 2 feet away from him. I'm laughing my azz off cause he didn't move. The kids starts crying and saying don't tell anybody. We're' like "what the hell". In his panicked state the kid had pissed his pants.

Oh, and reviving minnows "Frankenstien" style on the electric fence.


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
“Dirt Bombs” – basically snowballs made of dirt (summertime fun). They hurt more, especially when there is a rock inside.
Blew up fish/frogs with firecrackers
Kicked some dude in the head who was beating up my older brother, I got in trouble at a school that I was not even old enough to be attending.
Would go to construction site and flood the new homes
Home made road spikes… lay about 2 dozen across the street and hide.
Set up water balloons in trees that we could release from a far distance (fishing line)… not always water in them.
Shot out street lights
Shooting at cars (bb guns only)
Model rockets that we put gunpowder/firecrackers instead of a parachute in… almost burnt down the neighbors with that stunt.
Shoplifting MASTER!!! CD’s, tapes, Sony Walkman, mini-TV, candy, booze, sunglasses…
Homemade pipe-bombs out of survival knives – stab knife into something, light… run
Tried the home-made napalm thing… burned down that block of new homes.
Ran from the cops all the time… which is how I found out that the girls down the street didn’t close their shades…
Bloody knuckles/king of hill/toughness test – usually left bloody
‘borrowed’ boats from the yacht club I worked at
Drank the booze from the same
Jumped off the roof (about 30 feet) into 6’ of water right next to the pilings

This was before I turned 16… so all records are officially sealed!

Damn… now that I read this I cringe- what idiots we were! I am NOT having kids!!!


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
dh girlie said:
Brian...I consider you that type of friend like a BROTHER...I would think you feel that I am more like a little sister to you than an object of your SICK fantasies...enough already!
Perhaps he considers you his little WV sister! Oh dear oh myyyyyyyyyyyy...

It wouldn't be the first time a :dancing:tried to pitch a tent in someone else's backyard!

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
This thread is great :D

I wasn't too bad, but there were lots and lots of firecrackers, and everything/anything that would burn got lit on fire. Homemade flamethrowers.. Me and my friends were rediculous pyros.

We used to explore the abandoned (sewer?) tunnels underneath the local middle school - it was a prime place to set off firecrackers and figure out just how well certain things burned without worrying about setting the woods on fire. My friends eventually got arrested for exploring while carrying torches and filling the school up with smoke, thus setting off the alarms.

Shenanigans in the car with pellet guns and wrist slingshots - I was (am) a damn good shot and we'd take out any light bulb we could hit. As well as some wildlife - never domestic animals though.

Finding hills to catch air off of in my friend's dad's Toyota Cressida.

Many bong hits into the faces/rooms/cars of the unwary...


May 20, 2002
Having done a lot of the stuff in this thread, I won't bother reposting. I'm surprised no one has mentioned the best game EVER though: Flame-ball hockey!

We took this game to all sorts of new levels, including trying it with different sports! We played flame-ball baseball (wearing worker gloves to catch and throw); flame-ball golf; flame-ball hockey ofcourse; and perhaps worst of all, we tried flame-ball basketball (again, wearing worker gloves). The basketball game didn't last long as a friend got some brutal burns on his chest and neck after missing a pass.
I have a friend who builds a killer massive rink in his back yard every winter, so some druken nights we still get out the famous gel/fuel concoction we invented years ago and get a good game of flame-ball hockey going. We spent many days coming up with a fuel that would burn long and not torch the tennis ball too quickly, whlie not going out every time you shot the ball. Goooooood times!