
removing bladder from lever?


May 15, 2005
I'm doing a little troubleshooting on my old school tan hayes hydros, and have followed their instructions on disassembling the lever/master cylinder, but can't get the bladder out. The directions made it seem as though it would come out with the cylinder cartridge, but mine hasn't. So, first, is this possible/advisable to remove? Second, are there any tricks to doing so? We can't push it from the hose end of the lever (there's nothing to push on). Trying to pull/pry from the lever end makes it feel as though something will break. Any thoughts? Thanks :thumb:

Apr 9, 2004
Mount Carmel,PA
Did you take the lever off? Could be in the way. Probably just the bladder is stuck to the inside of the housingkina like how a tube sticks to the inside of a tire.. spray a little oil (not wd 40) in there it may get them out push on the hose end and they should go in. somtimes a little rubber mallet action may be needed but be carefull not to damage the pin nipple.make sure to use the o ring lube on the outside of the bladder before installation.