My wine glasses are getting to be pretty seasoned - and look like crap. Is there a method for removing red wine stains and water spots? Some solution of sumthin sumthin? Sulfuric acid?
hot water isn't enough? If not, then i'm guessing they're cheap enough to replace.
As for water spots, if you want to impress guests and not have spots, set a pot of water to boil, use the steam to clean off the spots with a clean, dry towel.
I remember reading somewhere that you can clean red wine stains tea stains etc. from porcelin (sp?) etc. using those fizzing denture cleaning tablets. If it works on false teeth maybe it'll work on wine glasses....
Have you tried soaking them in white vinegar? If so and that didn't work, try rubbing a cut lemon (seeds removed) around the stains or soak it overnight in vinegar and water.
Yes, as stated by Treesaw, when I worked in hotel we used to add a little white wine vinegar to boiling water (really not that much needed), steam the glasses over the water and polish with a clean starched cloth. You can get pretty much anything off. Use 50/50 water/vinegar neat on the glass for really tough stains.
How old are they? We have some cheap-a$$ wine glasses from JCPenny that are pushing 7 years now and I've never seen a stain on them.... and they get almost daily use.
How old are they? We have some cheap-a$$ wine glasses from JCPenny that are pushing 7 years now and I've never seen a stain on them.... and they get almost daily use.
Not a problem! Good luck! I have some lovely (I can't remember if we got the Riedel or if they came from Pier One) stemless wine glasses that I got for my birthday (4 red and 4 white) and they're awesome!
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