
Report: The Collective Premiere in SLC


Jan 16, 2002
See Dar Hills, OOTah
All I can say is those who were lucky enough to join us in Salt Lake City for the premiere of The Collective were NOT disappointed!!! We had Specialized rider Matt Hunter and BIKE mag roaming editor, Mitchell Scott on hand to witness the beer and bike fest.

Thanks to all who came!!! We're always stoked to bring those films to the area--especially one the caliber of The Collective.

We received the DVD's yesterday morning, so we were seeing it for the first time last night with the audience. I was blown away by the cinematography! The zip line shots and follow sequences were just phenomenal. Everything about the film was top notch.

Thanks to all who came. And, to those who didn't, you can pick up a copy of the DVD from the boys at The Collective:


What Did I Think of the Film?

Well, I've seen and promoted a number of bike films (NWD II, Kranked III, IV & V) and I liked this one as much or more than my previous favorite (Kranked V).

If you get a chance to see it on the big screen, do for sure. If not, get the DVD!


Turbo Monkey
Jun 6, 2002
Sweet! :thumb: I just ordered my copy yesterday. Now I'll need to find the biggest screen possible on which to watch it since the only DVD player I have at the moment is the one in my laptop :rolleyes:.