
Research report


Got to Porter at 6:45 and by 7:30 they were pumping novocaine, followed py pressure, burning smells, whirs, vibration, sucking sounds, %c. At 9:30, I paged Hilarie to bail me and my stainless steel plate and screws out. Went and 1) got coffee and an elephant ear. 2) conferred with Adam about re-rigging the road bike for one handed operation. 3) Went and yarned with Petey for a while. Continued with various efforts until 1) 3:30 when motor nerves kicked in so I could wriggle fingers again and 2) 4:30 when the pain sensors kicked in and my arm said something to the effect of "what the **** have you been up to, boy?" so I took an Advil and practiced deep breathing and went for a walk and enjoyed the wash of pure pain. At 6:30 I popped another Advil and did some minor chores, which was better than doing nothing, and I have just been reading up on the merits and otherwise of the hydrocodone/apap they gave me. I will try the nuclear drug option at bedtime.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
johnbryanpeters said:

Got to Porter at 6:45 and by 7:30 they were pumping novocaine, followed py pressure, burning smells, whirs, vibration, sucking sounds, %c. At 9:30, I paged Hilarie to bail me and my stainless steel plate and screws out. Went and 1) got coffee and an elephant ear. 2) conferred with Adam about re-rigging the road bike for one handed operation. 3) Went and yarned with Petey for a while. Continued with various efforts until 1) 3:30 when motor nerves kicked in so I could wriggle fingers again and 2) 4:30 when the pain sensors kicked in and my arm said something to the effect of "what the **** have you been up to, boy?" so I took an Advil and practiced deep breathing and went for a walk and enjoyed the wash of pure pain. At 6:30 I popped another Advil and did some minor chores, which was better than doing nothing, and I have just been reading up on the merits and otherwise of the hydrocodone/apap they gave me. I will try the nuclear drug option at bedtime.

I hope you feel better soon. Time heals. Or so I am told. I usually heal faster and better then the docs say?? I am sending you some of my healing vibes brother.....jdcamb


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
Nice. I sorta remember being high on morphine after my first/last surgery. After my first(I think?) iv shot of it, pink elephants come out of the tv and run through the room.


johnbryanpeters said:
I got a moderately reasonable amount of sleep, we'll see how today goes.
(Here's a Sumerian lullaby for you, JBP: "Ua-aua"
so that you can sleep tight, get rested and recover quickly.)

ua! aua!
In my song of joy - he will grow stout,
In my song of joy - he will grow big,
Like the irina-tree he will grow stout of root,
Like the shakir-plant he will grow broad of crown.

. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
My son, sleep is about to overtake you,
Sleep is about to settle on you.

Come Sleep, come Sleep,
Come to my son,
Hurry Sleep to my son,
Put to sleep his restless eyes,
Put your hand on his (kohl)-painted eyes,
And (as for) his babbling tongue,
Let not the babbling hold back (his) sleep.

. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .