
Resistance Band Workouts


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Anyone working out with Resistance Bands as part of their overall workout routine?

I just picked up some for stupid cheap yesterday and I'm going to keep them here at the office. I can do some resistance band exercising during the course of the work day to break up the monotony of the day and to try and squeeze in some strength training and stretching into my daily routine.

Anyone have any good links to resistance band routines? I've got a bunch of the basic things you can do with them here at my disposal - but it would be cool to learn of other ways to use these things. :thumb:




Patches O'Houlihan
Aug 7, 2006
Tustin, CA
I use them along with weights. I like the constant resistance and that they are easy to change tension by using multiples or stepping on a different section to do curls, etc. I have the surgical tube looking ones with handles. They came with an adapter to stick in a door jamb as well.

One of the big names is the JC Bands and he advocates that he can workout entirely on just resistance bands. Google the name with excercises and you should be able to find plenty.

My favorite part is they are easy to travel with and don't take up much space and hardly weigh anything.


Dec 5, 2010
I've got a set I used for a car wreck injury recovery. They did their job for that.

I've attempted to use them for strength training purposes a couple of times, but have never had any results I was happy with.

I don't see the point in using them over regular weights.