
Ribbon Candy - BVNEMBA - Wednesday Evening Ride Series


gets infinity MPG
Mar 18, 2007
Sutton, MA
Great ride yesterday. Got to see some familiar faces and some new faces as well. Halfway through the Ribbon Candy loop we crossed over to the other side of 122 to do some hills and rocks. On the way back we hit the little "Poop Drop" at the wastewater treatment plant. It was a drop into one of the settling tanks. It wasn't too bad you just had to hold your breath and keep it slow as to not kick up any of the goop at the bottom. LOL :) No, it was a little drop to an embankment. No poop in sight. :) We then finished up the Ribbon Candy loop. Then those with lights went out some more while the rest of us went back to the cars.

One of the new comers was a woman that claimed she hadn't ridden in over 5 years and was afraid of rocks. None of us in the group would have guessed seeing as how she easily cleared all of the technical features on her first try! Great job!

Anyway, I forgot my tripod so I didn't get any helmet cam video. But I did manage a few pics. They are here (don't click the show. I didn't customize it and it will be a defult show). Below is a sampling.

Group before the ride. I think there were 10 of us.

Afraid of rocks huh?

I vote to take out this skinny. It would be a nice little drop.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
HA - before I even read the words below that last pic I was like - Does it really need that skinny?

Thanks for sharing!