
Richmond Monkeys...


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Hey y'all,

I am probably going to be coming down to Richmond this weekend to visit my sister-in-law. They never seem to get up before the ass crack of noon so I was hoping maybe I could sneak away Saturday morning for a ride around 9 or so.

I don't know any of the trails in the area and was hoping to hook up with a guide? I was thinking a slow XC'ish trail ride, maybe Bell Island (or whatever the name of those trails are downtown) for 1 to 2 hours, but I am open to suggestions. I've got good technical skills but my stamina is in the crapper. If anybody is into farting around on bikes for a couple of hours, let me know.

Thanks, Dave

VT Mtbkr

Oct 3, 2003
Richmond, Virginia
There's a Ride Like a Girl/Ride like a Stalker ride out at Camp Hilbert on Saturday at 10:00. If you're staying in the west end of Richmond then it's about a 15-20 min drive.

Although the downtown trails are the best in Richmond I would avoid them this weekend since they are going to be very crowded with people training for next weekend's Xterra.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
I'd be a few blocks from Hermitage and Bellevue. I googled Camp Hilbert, looks like it might be about 25 miles away. Not too bad. Looks like it's a 6 mile loop. Is that right? Is it the kind of place you can just show up and ride? Looks like it's private or something. I would probably want to ride earlier than 10 so I can get back before lunch.

VT Mtbkr

Oct 3, 2003
Richmond, Virginia
Yeah it's on private property and we got special permission for this ride at 10:00. It's not open to the public for riding unless it's ok'd by the camp.

If this ride isn't an option then I'd recommend Pocahontas state park or fight the crowds downtown, maybe Dartman would serve as a guide if he's not busy or at Snowshoe.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Yeah it's on private property and we got special permission for this ride at 10:00. It's not open to the public for riding unless it's ok'd by the camp.

If this ride isn't an option then I'd recommend Pocahontas state park or fight the crowds downtown, maybe Dartman would serve as a guide if he's not busy or at Snowshoe.
Pocahontas sounds good. Only 23 miles away. That maybe my best option. Do they have trail maps at the Park HQ or are the trails well marked? I don't mind riding solo and exploring. Any trails you recommend? I like technical stuff. Sounds like they have a couple of different loops with varying difficulty levels.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
Pocahontas sounds good. Only 23 miles away. That maybe my best option. Do they have trail maps at the Park HQ or are the trails well marked? I don't mind riding solo and exploring. Any trails you recommend? I like technical stuff. Sounds like they have a couple of different loops with varying difficulty levels.
Dude, the trails there are the sh!t....VERY WELL MAINTAINED! How tech do you want it? the green trail is a great warm up,and the red is super techy, The blue is a lung buster of a ride, and both the Lakeview trails are simply amazing.

VT Mtbkr

Oct 3, 2003
Richmond, Virginia
The trails are great, if you're going alone I'd recommend the red/blue/green trails since the new Lakeview trails are a little harder to find.

I think the park has maps or can direct you to the trail head. Basically you want to park in the gravel lot right beyond the "Heritage Center" in the park. Take the fireroad next to the gravel lot until you find a large sign with trail rules and directions at the start of the singletrack trails. If you want technical check out the double red trail(lil west virginia). It branches off the blue trail so you get a 3 mile warmup first. After the blue and double red if you want more try out the red trail.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Dude, the trails there are the sh!t....VERY WELL MAINTAINED! How tech do you want it? the green trail is a great warm up,and the red is super techy, The blue is a lung buster of a ride, and both the Lakeview trails are simply amazing.
Sweet. It's hard to say 'how tech?' I'm a terrible climber but I love picking my way down rocks. I imagine the terrain there is lots of short up and downs?


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
Pretty much....the red trail is tech as far as climbs and rocks....the tech climbs can be brutal, at least for me...... Its a real popular spot. I live about 10 minutes away, and would ride with you, but I'm heading to Charlottesville to pick up a frame.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
I just checked the weather, besides being hotter than a steaming pile of dog crap, it looks like thunderstorms Friday night and Saturday morning. If it does rain, how does the place drain?

VT Mtbkr

Oct 3, 2003
Richmond, Virginia
Yep, short steep climbs. No big rock sections to speak of really. The red and double red have big log piles, tighter technical sections, and large "woops". G-spot just built a long skinny on the double red. He'd be a good leader but I'm pretty sure he's headed to Camp Hilbert to Ride like a Stalker.

Drains pretty good if it's not a soaking rain. They'll close the trails officially if it's too much rain.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
The best laid plans....

Well I ended up not riding. The inlaws changed their plans so I got the shaft. It's Okay though, our baby didn't like sleeping in a different place (he spent all night talking to the ceiling fan). I was so exhausted Saturday morning and I didn't feel much like riding anyway.

Thanks for all the info. Next time we come down, we are going to leave the baby with my sister-in-law and my wife and I will get a ride in at Pocahantas.