
Ride pics


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
Here are some ride pics from this past Sunday at Hall Ranch near Lyons, CO. The weather was awesome except for a bit of wind. The trail starts out very rocky and dry, with a great 1 mile (or so) climb up through some rock gardens. Once topping out though, it quickly became slop, so we turned around and spent some time playing on some of the cooler rock sections. Not a lot of pics, but here are a few.

This is me cleaning a little step

And me continuing on up the rocks after the step

Here's my buddy Charlie on the same step, different angle. You can see the new sanitized trail just to his right. We like the old line...

Here's Ed, showing the step his game face

That's about it. We were having too much fun to stop and take any more.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
Looks like some fun riding! After this current storm clears up I'll have to come up there and go riding with you guys. I just got my AC built up and it'll be perfect for trail riding. :)


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
MMcG said:
what was the temperature on that day?
It was in the low to mid 60's, but at times the wind was REALLY gusty. But that's par for the course in the winter along the front range.

COmtbiker12 said:
I just got my AC built up and it'll be perfect for trail riding.
That'd be cool. You'd have lots of fun on your AC at Hall.