
Ride Santa Cruz tomorrow (8/8/08) in the morning?

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
When: 8AM on 8/8/08 (that is a lot of 8's)
Where: Santa Cruz

Who's in? We can shuttle (if we have enough people interested) or we can do some sweet all mountain riding.

I have tomorrow off work and I'm free until 10:30am. I'm game to start early if you guys are into it.

PM me or post if you are interested...


Shred some of this gnar tomorrow?:

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Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
Sounds good to me. Ride up and then ride down. Maybe ride back up again? heh lets plan for rincon lot at 8.

Anyone else in?

Blue? Want to break in that new vp-free on the local trails?

Todd? Find a sitter? =]
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Mar 6, 2002
Nor. Ca. Santa Cruz ,Mang
Dude, I would love too, but i have to go talk to my old manager about wheels tomorrow.Looks like the body shop and insurance peeps are going to bail on helping me fix THEIR mistake!What about sunday morning early?Me and basic are proly goin tonight.You should join us.

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
Can't tonight. Super tired from mounting my tv late last night. I'm also planning on going to visit my brother for a couple hours after work to hang out and see my nephew and new niece. =]

Come on... the ride is at 8am... =] haha no worries man, that stuff is more important than spinning with some out of shape losers. haha

As for sunday, I am on house cleaning duty for pretty much the whole weekend.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 21, 2006
In your pants
Shoot, man. Tomorrow's my birthday and...

...I'll be coming to work because my co-worker is taking a "half day"... also known as, she's taking off the 3.5 hours she usually comes in on a Friday.


Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
Shoot, man. Tomorrow's my birthday and...

...I'll be coming to work because my co-worker is taking a "half day"... also known as, she's taking off the 3.5 hours she usually comes in on a Friday.


Damn dude thats a total bummer for your birthday. You should be out enjoying yourself on the trails of Santa Cruz at 8am with us! Maybe you should get 'food poisoning' and 'violently sick' or maybe a case of the 'I.M.B.S.I.N.C.I.W.T.S.S.I.'s' (It's My Birthday So I'm Not Coming Into Work Today So Suck It)...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!1111oneoneone


Turbo Monkey
Aug 21, 2006
In your pants
Haha! I wish, man. My fork on my big-bike needs major oil. And the brakes need a little bit of the special touch. And my green bike needs a major brake bleed. MAJOR.

But I should have both bikes up and running this weekend for next week.

When is the Primer gonna' be ready to rock-and-roll?

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
I just need rotors and the grips from you =] You brining them this Sunday?

Then I need to put on the rotors, put on the brakes, put on the grips, run the shifter and brakes lines, have the headset race pressed onto the fork, put on the chain and tune the drivetrain, and from there I should be good to ride it! It is SO CLOSE now. Then comes little adjustments with the suspension and waiting for the new rear spring and new fork to arrive. It really isn't more than a couple hours of work/tuning away from being shredable. heh

Derek or anyone, do you have any spare 8 inch rotors around I could have? =]
May 13, 2008
The Bay.
I have 1 hayes 8" rotor...... when i go to the shop for todds pivot kit i will dig in the drawers.....

8 it is then......

tonight watertower if anyone is down?
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Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
lol sweet, I can just run a single brake for a while...wait, thats not a good idea...

Yes, 8am tomorrow at Rincon. I am not going to guaruntee my speed on the climb due to possible drinking a bit with my brother tonight. heh


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
I have 1 hayes 8" rotor...... when i go to the shop for todds pivot kit i will dig in the drawers.....

8 it is then......

tonight watertower if anyone is down?
Where's Watertower and what kind of trail is it? I've yet to find out if my skyscraper bike is pedalable...36T ring only right now.

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
Where's Watertower and what kind of trail is it? I've yet to find out if my skyscraper bike is pedalable...36T ring only right now.
Watertower is pretty decent dh right? Everything has different names. I can't keep track of them all.

That bike shouldn't be too bad. I do everything with a 36t up front. =]

I used to do all the climbs on my swd and my vp free.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
You guys need to find a Santa Cruz Super 8 and a Schwinn Straight 8 to ride...

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
Derek, I hope you got my text earlier or read this tonight or read this before you plan on leaving in the am. I can't make it. Really sorry for the last min change in plans...

This next Monday is happening for sure at 7am.