
Ride with Heidi and the Captain - Mckenzie River Trail


This is not an active account
Sep 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
Someone remind me to remove cyclocross from this forum title :rolleyes:

Anywho - rode the Mckenzie river trail with Heidi and Captain Cogset. I think its approximately 25 miles from top to bottom. We took a couple wrong turns and did some brutal extra climbs. That combined with 100+ temps made it a very tough day.

The Mckenzie River trail is incredible! Terrain varies a lot from top to bottom with some fast smooth stuff and a lot of crazy rock sections carved right out of the lava rock. Scenery is spectacular and the whole trail is in lush Western Oregon forest. I took a few pics:


Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
I have run that trail on foot a few times - it is probably the most beautiful trail I have ever been on. Absolutely breathtaking in spots. :thumb:

Please remove cyclocross from the title of this forum. Smelly, muddy roadies = :dead:


Get your pork here.
Sep 26, 2001
COlo style
Well damn I was waiting for more pictures but it looks like your done. :)

Very cool! Are you doing any more riding with them?


This is not an active account
Sep 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
Originally posted by Squeak
Well damn I was waiting for more pictures but it looks like your done. :)

Very cool! Are you doing any more riding with them?
They took the most pics - when they get back I'm sure you'll see a bunch. Saturday we are doing something - not sure what yet.


I love to climb
Jul 19, 2001
Originally posted by Ridemonkey
They took the most pics - when they get back I'm sure you'll see a bunch. Saturday we are doing something - not sure what yet.
did you get Heidi to puke like I asked.


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Sep 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
Originally posted by spincrazy
so you puked. where's the pics? ;)
Actually we almost all puked due to the heat. We all ran out of water. Me, being a rugged man of the mountains, drank river water. Heidi and the Captain opted to just tough it out till the end. They were looking pretty sickly before it was over :eek:


I love to climb
Jul 19, 2001
Originally posted by Ridemonkey
Actually we almost all puked due to the heat. We all ran out of water. Me, being a rugged man of the mountains, drank river water. Heidi and the Captain opted to just tough it out till the end. They were looking pretty sickly before it was over :eek:
YUCK. enjoy the Giardia (sp). ;) Not good at all. Nothing worse to me than being without aqua. got a larger hydration pack this year just in case.

I heard you guys were getting the heat on for awhile now. My friends in Portland are bitchin bitchin. At least it's dry heat I tell them. Doesn't seem to make them feel any better though. When you know humidity, you know humility.

Was it just you three then? Have you hooked up with people to ride with since moving back to Bend? I seem to remember something about you knowing the webcyclery dudes..


This is not an active account
Sep 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
I think I took a pretty good risk. It was a tributary of the McKenzie that is entirely spring fed, fast moving, and COLD!! We were only a couple miles from the source. I think its about as safe as it gets for a river. I'm surprised they chose the path of suffering and skipped the pristine water.

It was just the three of us.

I haven't rode with the WC guys - they like to do road centuries and I'm just not in the mood to be on a road bike that long.

I do have a group I ride with regularly, but they have "jobs" and stuff and apparently Wednesday is a bad day to take off and ride. :rolleyes:

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
I have always wanted to do this race but could never make it work with my schedule.

I think the effects of dehydration heavily outweigh the risks of mountain spring water. I've taken the chance many times and never suffered any harm.


I love to climb
Jul 19, 2001
Originally posted by Ridemonkey
I think I took a pretty good risk. It was a tributary of the McKenzie that is entirely spring fed, fast moving, and COLD!! We were only a couple miles from the source. I think its about as safe as it gets for a river. I'm surprised they chose the path of suffering and skipped the pristine water.

It was just the three of us.

I haven't rode with the WC guys - they like to do road centuries and I'm just not in the mood to be on a road bike that long.

I do have a group I ride with regularly, but they have "jobs" and stuff and apparently Wednesday is a bad day to take off and ride. :rolleyes:
Crap, I'll ride with you on a Tuesday. Any day is good for me, except any day this year it seems.:angry:

closest I'm going to get to you is Seattle -ish in a couple of weeks, but I can't ride for awhile anyway.

I'd have drunk from the stream in a heartbeat. Dehydration is not for foking with. Roadies and those with 'jobs', Down with em!

Now where's Heidi with those other pics......?


Joe Dalton
Apr 18, 2002
Originally posted by I Are Baboon
Cool pics, RM. I think it's safe to say that if I was part of this ride, I would get thoroughly dropped. :p
Probably by the end of the parking lot! :p ;)

Nice pics RM!

Bend seems to be like a small mtb paradise... heard so much about it..


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Originally posted by Ridemonkey
I think I took a pretty good risk. It was a tributary of the McKenzie that is entirely spring fed, fast moving, and COLD!! We were only a couple miles from the source. I think its about as safe as it gets for a river. I'm surprised they chose the path of suffering and skipped the pristine water.

I know of two safe springs in the mountains where I ride. One of them is above and adjacent to a road and I see many Asian families there filling up plastic containers to bring it home. I just love the taste of it. So much better than bottled, distilled or filtered water. I also use it to fill up my minibong. :evil: You can even buy collapsible backpackers' straws with charcoal filtration systems just to be sure for those iffy emergencies. I'm thinking of making one standard equipment for epics in unfamiliar territory.

About 10 years ago, I drank from a hand-pumped well that had a posted bacteriological warning and yellow-jackets living in the spigot because I was so severely dehydrated. I just took my stings and kept on drinking, though. My buddies and I had gotten lost on a hike in 98-degree heat, finished all our water and had barely clambered back to our campsite by nightfall. To make things worse, we had all gotten drunk the night before and probably started the hike off partially dehydrated. The first few pumps were hot and musty until it got flowing but I swear to God, it was the best tasting water I had ever drank. I didn't get sick, either, but I did fall into a coma-like sleep face-down on the grass next to my tent. When I awoke hours later, my buddies were still knocked out and my face, neck, back, arms and chest were swollen from the 25-30 bee stings I had received earlier. A nice benefit is that I built up an immunity and no longer worry about getting stung. Live and learn.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Originally posted by llkoolkeg
You can even buy collapsible backpackers' straws with charcoal filtration systems just to be sure for those iffy emergencies. I'm thinking of making one standard equipment for epics in unfamiliar territory.
I just carry a few Iodine tablets. They will take care of most any biological contamination. Their only drawback is a 20 minute waiting period before the treated water is safe to drink.


Mar 25, 2003
Traveling the eastern U.S.
The McK is beautifully epic, no doubt. We try to ride it twice a year, once in the spring and once in the fall. In fall, all the leaves start to change color - whipping through the singletrack with the red and yellow in a blur is quite a rush. I also recommend skinny-dipping in the big pool. Great way to cool off.

If you do the bonus singletrack west of the campground, it's about 28 miles. The upper lava section can be brutal: we typically sustain several mild to serious injuries and a half-dozen broken pieces of gear on each ride. Quite fun!


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
OK - unfortunately we are back from Bend.:( I'll start a new thread because I have a TON of pictures.