
Ridemonkey in May


News & Reviews
Jun 26, 2009

You may have seen this in your inbox as the May edition of our monthly mailout, but if not check out some of the cool things that happened in our sport in May, as well as a preview of what's to come on Ridemonkey.

May – In the process of a year, May can be considered the turning point. New Years resolutions have long since dissolved, the annum’s second half is quickly approaching, and riders everywhere scramble to get rides in before things dry out and the dustbowl of summer comes raging through. Bike Parks everywhere are opening, and the spectator season kicks into full swing. May is a time for many things, but above all else, it is a time for riding. With our world’s climate becoming less and less predictable, and weather patterns throwing caution to the wind in favor of randomness and entropy, May seems to be the first month of the year wherein good riding is guaranteed.

Bike Parks

Whistler just had a smashin opening weekend, with wet roots galore and buff berms calling the names of riders throughout the lower mainland of BC and beyond. Many riders made the pilgrimage from all over North America to be there for the world’s most popular resort to start its season. With Crankworx scheduled a month earlier this year, everyone will be looking to get their licks in before the big show, so get up there and enjoy.

The US has one of the fastest growing gravity markets, and it’s reflected in the response from ski resorts across the country. Angel Fire is open again, Stevens Pass has bitten the proverbial bullet and jumped into mountain biking, while favorites Diablo Freeride Park and Highland Mountain continue to push the envelope, providing riders with world-class venues for their weekend exploits. If you find yourself at any one of these resorts this year, be sure to raise a glass to the hard working trail crews that make it all happen. Cheers to you!

Spectator Season

World Cups are under way, the ProGRT continues to impress, and other race series across the globe are going the way of the helium balloon: nowhere but up. For the first time in the event’s history, an American has won the US Open. Aaron Gwin delivered in stunning fashion, beating out Canadian Stevie Smith and Kiwi teammate Justin Leov. With Fort William up next week, there is no shortage of world-class viewing to be had. Next month is where things really get turned up to 11, as the weekend of June 11 boasts the Leogang World Cup, while the following weekend is the fourth ProGRT stop at Northstar. After that, Mont-Sainte Anne wraps up the month on the 26th and the season rolls on. Buckle up, folks, the season is about to get hectic.


For our spectator sport of choice, this season is providing a bevy of storylines worth following. With Clay Porter and John Lawlor releasing their newest project, 3 Minute Gaps, at Fort William, we need little more to remind us of the excitement that pitting the world’s best riders against each other brings. Trek World Racing has been tearing up the scene this year, and we’ve had a series of interview with the stars of their show. Check out Neko Mulally and Justin Leov's exclusive RM pieces, and wait patiently for Tracy Moseley and Aaron Gwin, they’re next.


If you want to check out some of the coolest content on the web, including a hammer photo of the day section, remember to head over to Bikemag.com and keep your eyes open for collaborative pieces between Ridemonkey and Bikemag. If you haven’t seen it already, we’ve been running a series of ads in Bike Magazine, and we would love to hear your opinion on how we should use this ad space. Send us an email to peacock@ridemonkey.com if you want to have your ideas heard!


Now that we’ve finally kicked the skiing bug, we’re dusting off the old bikes and unpacking the new ones. Reviews will be coming fast and frequently both on Bikemag.com and Ridemonkey, all of which you will be able to access from either site, and can discuss, hate on, disagree or concur with on our forums. Check out Fraser Britton's take on the TLD Leatt Sport and the 2011 Fox 40 Kashima for a taste of what's to come this year.
